Why is gasoline consumption increasing in Tunisia while that of natural gas is decreasing?

Why is gasoline consumption increasing in Tunisia while that of natural gas is decreasing?
Why is gasoline consumption increasing in Tunisia while that of natural gas is decreasing?

National demand for petroleum products recorded an increase of 2%, during the first eight months of 2024 to stand at 3039 ktoe, according to the Bulletin de la Conjoncture Energétique, published by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Development. ‘Energy.

In fact, demand for gasoline increased by 11%, while demand for diesel and aviation jet increased by 4%. On the other hand, demand for fuel oil and petroleum coke fell by 8% and 15% respectively.

The structure of consumption of petroleum products did not experience any significant change between the end of August 2023 and the end of August 2024 with the exception of a few products, notably petcoke whose share fell from 12% to 1% and gasolines whose share increased from 18% to 20% during the same period.

As for road fuel consumption, it recorded an increase of 6%. It represents 65% of the total consumption of petroleum products.

LPG consumption recorded between the end of August 2023 and the end of August 2024, an increase of 2%. Consumption of petroleum coke (used exclusively by cement factories) decreased by 15%.

On the other hand, jet aviation consumption recorded an increase of 4% at the end of August 2024 compared to the previous year.

Total demand for natural gas fell by 2%, to 3131 ktoe. Demand for electricity production and that for final consumption fell by 2%.

The electricity production sector remains, by far, the largest consumer of natural gas (72% of total demand at the end of August 2024). Electricity production is in fact based on natural gas at 95%.

The drop in demand from the electricity sector is explained by the limitation in the availability of natural gas.

For end uses (excluding electricity production), demand for natural gas decreased by 2%, to 888 ktoe. Demand from medium and low pressure customers recorded virtual stability and that from high pressure customers recorded a decrease of 7%.



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