new blow for the French

new blow for the French
new blow for the French

This decision is part of a broader strategy aimed at reducing our dependence on “fossil fuels”. The Minister of Ecological Transition and Energy, Agnès Pannier-Runachermade this announcement on October 11. The next day, she confirmed this increase in VAT on gas, supposed to bring in nearly 200 million euros at the Ministry of the Economy. But can we really believe that this will change anything in the long term?

Details that matter

All of the new tax measures should generate approximately 1.5 billion euros for the national budget. This amount also includes a billion from an increase in taxes on plane tickets (really?). As a bonus, we are promised a reduction in the regulated electricity sales price for 2025with an expected decrease of 9% from the February 1… It seems like a balancing act where everything seems to be a winner.

Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher is clearly at the forefront of this initiative. At his side, experts like Francis Perrindirector at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (Iris), are already looking at the potential consequences for our economy and our environment. But are these analyzes really enough to reassure? After all, it is also worth remembering that this new measure follows a previous increase in gas taxes by a previous government… We never stop increasing!

What are the foreseeable impacts?

The planned increases could have a negative impact on the electrification of uses such as electric cars or even electric heating. Does this go against the so-called climate objectives stated by ? Of course ! In addition, the end of the tariff shield risks putting even more financial pressure on low-income households and workers (them again…). These changes therefore raise legitimate questions about their real capacity to cope…

Key figures:

– The total increase should bring 1.5 billion euros.
– The specific increase linked to VAT will be responsible for an additional contribution estimated at 200 million euros.
– A price reduction is expected for electricity with a discount planned from February 2025.

A broader panorama

This is not just a French question; several countries are also adopting similar measures to limit their dependence on fossil fuels… Yes, but here it is: how will these decisions influence our daily lives and our national economy as a whole?

The tax proposals will be examined within the framework of the current finance bill. According to some recent analyzes (who knows if they are not optimistic…), it seems that we could see a general drop in gas prices in France thanks to emerging gas projects in Qatar and the United States between 2026 and 2028 …Is this really credible?

What to do now?

For those who feel concerned by these developments:

– Stay informed: Carefully follow official announcements regarding your energy bills… but who says they will be fair?

– Evaluate your consumption: Think about possible ways to reduce your gas use… or go straight to alternatives.

– Consult your financial advisor: If you are financially impacted by these changes (and you probably are), consider an appointment with an expert.



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