boosts the speeds of its Liveboxes without increasing prices

is improving the speeds of its Livebox subscriptions, including the arrival of symmetrical 8 Gbps for certain customers, without changing prices. Let’s see the details of the new offers and the boosted performance.

Orange strengthens the speeds of its Liveboxes

Orange has therefore announced an increase in speeds for its Livebox subscribers. From today, October 10, 2024, all subscribers benefit from an increase in performance, without a price increase. Customers of the classic Livebox offer see their speed increase to 1 Gbps for download and 700 Mbps for upload.

Subscribers of Sosh, the low-cost subsidiary of Orange, are not left out with speeds now increased to 400 Mbps symmetrical. The Livebox Up offer also stands out with a significant improvement, increasing to 2 Gbps for download and 800 Mbps for upload.

Livebox Max: the arrival of 8 Gbps

The biggest novelty lies in the Livebox Max premium offer. The latter now includes speeds of up to 8 Gbps symmetrical for eligible usersalthough this technology is only available in certain areas. Orange specifies that this maximum speed is not yet generalized, but customers will still be able to benefit from download speeds of up to 5 Gbps. You can test your eligibility for this offer by clicking on this link, and having tested on an address packet, I confirm that the availability of these debits is not very extensive.

This is what we want!
This is what we want!

How does Free generalize its 8 Gb/s compared to Orange?

Are you wondering why such an increase in speed takes time at Orange, and remains accessible to few customers? Well, the difference between Free and Orange in the deployment of symmetrical speeds at 8 Gb/s is mainly due to the optical fiber technologies used. Free was a pioneer with 10G-EPON technology, which allows a fiber to be split between just 32 clients, thus providing more available bandwidth per user, and symmetrical speeds of 8 Gb/s. On the other hand, Orange, like other operators, has chosen to focus on XGS-PON technology, which shares a fiber between 64 customers and therefore requires more time to be deployed on a large scale.. This explains why Free was able to offer these speeds more quickly.

It's this little
It’s this little “new” that makes all the difference

Additional services for Livebox Max subscribers

In addition to boosted flow rates, Orange offers a reduction of 5 euros per month on streaming services like Netflix, Disney+ and Max for Livebox Max subscribers. This discount applies across every platform, giving users a complete experience at a discounted price. A way to get closer to Free’s commercial offer with the Freebox Ultra which allows you to make a lot of savings on streaming platforms.

Is this type of increase an interesting point for you and could you switch to Orange for fiber? Besides, tell us which operator you are with, and why you chose it!



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