A new device to adapt buildings to the risk of flooding

A new device to adapt buildings to the risk of flooding
A new device to adapt buildings to the risk of flooding

The Eurométropole offers individuals located in flood zones a free diagnosis of their home to reduce vulnerability.

This is a danger to be taken seriously: the Eurometropolis is classified as a Territory at significant risk of flooding. “14,000 homes are exposed to possible muddy water flows, river overflows or rising water tables,” explains Pia Imbs, president of the community. Thus, after having undertaken developments in the territory (construction of dikes, restoration of watercourses, creation of flood expansion zones), “we arrive at the stage where we address ourselves directly to individuals”, adds Thierry Schaal, vice-president in charge of water. This is why the Eurométropole is launching the Alabri system (Adaptation of your building to the risk of flooding) on ​​October 7.

Diagnostic gratuit

Mapping accessible online allows everyone to know if their home is exposed to the risk of flooding. “We offer the owners of the homes concerned a free diagnosis in order to reduce the vulnerability of residents and that of buildings,” explains Julien Ludwig, in charge of this project for the EMS. Individuals can register online until December 16. They will then be contacted by the service provider Urbanis, mandated by the community. After a telephone appointment and the carrying out of the diagnosis at home, a report will be drawn up with a list of personalized recommendations and with the envisaged cost of the arrangements. “Support is then offered to facilitate the implementation of the work and ensure that people can obtain the subsidies to which they are entitled,” continues Julien Ludwig. The State can in fact cover up to 80% of the cost of the work. It also finances the diagnosis up to 50%, the Eurometropolis assumes 30% and the region 20%. Registration sessions for the system are planned every six months, with the most vulnerable homes being given priority for establishing the diagnosis.
The Alabri system will be presented to the general public on October 12 during two events: a conference at the 5th Lieu entitled “Have we never seen water in ?” and the creation of a temporary fresco on Quai des Bateliers by the artist Alexiane Magnin.

Anne Dory

Photos Jérôme Dorkel

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