What your lips say about your health

What your lips say about your health
What your lips say about your health

According to the geneticist, if there is not a single classification system, several categories of lip prints emerge: straight vertical lines, “branches” which extend over the lips like roots of trees, hatching and circular volutes. There appears to be a correlation between volutes, particularly those present on the lower lip, and a probability of having genes associated with cleft lips and other orofacial disorders that can complicate breastfeeding of an infant.

She adds that the study of lip prints is a recent field; this is the reason why a clear correlation with orofacial disorders is not yet completely established. With technological advances, this research could one day lead to early diagnoses, probably in utero. According to the director and the geneticist, other traits, beyond lip prints (such as facial shape or certain vocal characteristics) can be a sign of an underlying genetic predisposition to certain disorders. “The pieces of the puzzle are just starting to come together and it’s very promising,” enthuses Katherine Neiswanger.



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