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What is the gold scam, reported on a motorway junction in Seine-et-?

What is the gold scam, reported on a motorway junction in Seine-et-?
What is the gold scam, reported on a motorway junction in Seine-et-Marne?

Motorists traveling in Seine-et- are recommended to be particularly attentive to the resurgence of a scam well known to law enforcement and authorities. This is a deception often called gold scam, which would have been used by criminals near Combs-la-Ville (Seine-et-Marne), on the ramp connecting the A5b motorway to the region. , details The Republic of Seine-et-Marne this Sunday.

An individual pretending to have a breakdown stops cars and asks drivers for money to pay for a repair, gas or even the toll, depending on the version of the scam. To prove his good faith, the scammer offers his victim to give him in exchange a piece of jewelry presented as being made of gold. “It’s still a hoax,” warned Captain Vincent Stegiani, of the Departmental Road Safety Squadron (EDSR).

Scammers are sometimes very insistent in convincing their target

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He explained that scammers are sometimes very insistent in convincing their target and sometimes do not hesitate to apply pressure. “When the maneuver seems suspicious, you must always be suspicious and not stop! », advised the gendarme. People who have been trapped must notify the police and mention the type and color of the scammer’s vehicle as well as the license plate if they were able to note it.



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