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Upcoming systems: these sectors are doing better than others

Upcoming systems: these sectors are doing better than others
Upcoming systems: these sectors are doing better than others
Published on September 30, 2024 at 12:03 p.m.

Updated September 30, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

Two systems will follow one another in Quebec this week, but the southern regions could be lucky.

This first week of October will not be uniform in Quebec. A first system will enter the province on Tuesday afternoon. It would arrive from the west and first affect Abitibi-Témiscamingue and northern Outaouais during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. At the moment the forecast is for it to bring a moderate amount of rain. Up to 30 millimeters are expected for Wednesday.

From Thursday, a second system will take over. Although it will not be too intense, it will bring clouds and isolated showers to some areas.

Some lucky regions

While the systems will sweep the province from west to east, the precipitation seems to stop along the edge of the St. Lawrence. Regions south of the river should be dry for a good part of the week despite overflowing clouds and slightly cooler weather.

A few showers could still make their way towards the southern regions. On the other hand, these brief episodes of rain would occur in the evening or late at night, thus limiting the presence of clouds during the day.

RAIN5 – Sectors in the south are doing well

Sun dotted

If the rain is moderate, it is mainly gray weather which is likely to dominate this week. However, some regions will benefit from more sunshine. While southern Quebec will find some rays on Thursday, Estrie and Beauce will be entitled to clearings during the grayer day of Wednesday, standing out as the sunniest sectors.

RAIN6 - Sunshine

With the collaboration of Alexandra Giroux, meteorologist.

SEE ALSO: Here’s why October is the beloved and unloved of Quebecers



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