A departmental day to help caregivers on October 8, 2024 – Medialot

Entrance is free (registration required).

“We give a territorial anchor to this caregivers’ day. It is co-constructed with the stakeholders” announce Maryse Maury, vice-president of the Lot Department, and Maguelone Le Roy of the Lot departmental delegation of the Regional Health Agency.

The first edition of Carers’ Day will take place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 (from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at the Murat space in Cœur-de-Causse.

The Lot Department is offering, in partnership with the ARS, this day to caregivers of elderly or disabled people (adults) in order to inform them about the systems, solutions and services that exist in the Lot and which can provide relief.

Because one in 4 people over the age of 60 is a caregiver, because this figure – particularly due to the aging of the population – will increase and we are all potentially caregivers in the making, this day is addressed to everyone.

> On the program:

A village of Lotois actors who offer support and solutions to caregivers:

– respite solution and home services (day care, temporary care, discussion group, home help services, etc.),

– information centers (association of disabled people, Alzheimer, etc.),

– technical assistance and daily life (adaptation of housing to loss of autonomy, etc.),

– well-being workshops (sophrologist, socio-esthetician, etc.).

In total, 49 partners are present on these stands and workshops, including the Department’s services: areas for the elderly, the departmental center for disabled people and the Conference of Funders, for technical assistance needs.

And round tables:

– At 11 a.m., “Am I a caregiver?” »

A crucial question because almost one in two caregivers does not recognize themselves as such.

Based on short skits performed by the company “A role to play”, professionals and caregivers will lead participants to question this theme: what is a caregiver? What is the role and status of the caregiver?

– At 2 p.m., “Caregivers and exhaustion”

Another alarming finding: one in three caregivers dies before their loved one.

After a short play, professionals and caregivers will answer the question of preventing burnout and present the respite solutions that exist in the Lot. Because there are many existing systems and it is sometimes complex to navigate them.

> Free entry – Registration required

> To participate, register on lot.fr: lot.fr/actualites/une-journee-pour-les-aidants

> What is a caregiver?

A caregiver is a person who provides assistance, on a regular and frequent basis, in a non-professional capacity, to carry out all or part of the acts or activities of daily life of a person losing their autonomy, due to age, illness or disability. The help provided by caregivers can be moral, daily and/or financial. In France, 9.3 million people provide daily support to a loved one who is losing their independence or has a disability. That’s one in five French people. Pillars of society, caregivers play an essential role in the lives of those they care for. Every year, on October 6, a national day is dedicated to them.



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