New World Forum in : on the program for Saturday October 5

New World Forum in : on the program for Saturday October 5
New World Forum in Montpellier: on the program for Saturday October 5

Transmitting knowledge, promoting initiatives, enabling individuals or groups to take action, such is the ambition of the new world, which is taking place this Friday October 4 and Saturday October 5 in . Find the program of round tables and testimonies for this Saturday, October 5.

  • Opening pitch: Agriculture (10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)

Hosted by Edith Lefranc, deputy head of the Villages and proximity department at Midi Libre, in the presence of Anaïs Lacombe, co-founder of PimpUp, and Pascal Thomas, president of Futura Gaia Technologies. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

Entrepreneurs in the region are rolling up their sleeves to engage the region in a more sustainable approach, regardless of their area of ​​expertise, they are all fine examples of private sector commitment to serving a more sustainable world. fair and more ecological.

  • Round table: Supporting the emergence of sustainable agriculture – Part 1 (10:35 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.)

Hosted by Edith Lefranc, deputy head of the Villages and Proximity department of Midi Libre, in the presence of Serge Zaka, agronomist and doctor in agroclimatology, Pierre Colin, deputy secretary Chamber of Agriculture of Hérault, and Maguelonne Méric, responsible communication at the Chamber of Agriculture of . At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

In this first part, the speakers will share their visions of “sustainable” agriculture, and will outline their respective and common priorities for action in the face of the consequences of the current climatic, ecological and social crises on the agricultural world.

  • Round table: Supporting the emergence of sustainable agriculture – Part 2 (11:20 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Moderated by Edith Lefranc, deputy head of the Villages and proximity department of Midi Libre, in the presence of Chantal Gascuel, permanent secretary of the French Academy of Agriculture, and Marina Fraud, head of the agriculture and viticulture market department of the Banque Populaire du South. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

In this second part, the speakers of this round table will discuss the tools and methods at their disposal to support and strengthen the emergence of a fairer and more sustainable agriculture.

  • Inspiring testimony: The emergence of agricultural oases (12 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

In the presence of Perrine Bulgheroni, co-founder of Ferme du Bec Hellouin, and David Viala, co-founder of Oasis Citadine. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

While intensive agriculture depletes both the land and the fauna and flora of a large part of our territories, this inspiring testimony will be an opportunity to discover the inspiring journey of people who have decided to offer another type of agriculture, more respectful of our health, that of the planet and the other living beings with whom we share it.

  • Jobs of tomorrow meeting: Protection of resources and preservation of ecosystems (2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.)

Hosted by Laura Lecurieux – Belfond, consultant, in the presence of Olivier Sarlat, regional director Veolia Eau Région Sud, and Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas, research director at CNRS – Biocultural interactions. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

While climate change has become a real social issue, a problem that is better and better understood and increasingly addressed, the decline in biodiversity is still struggling to make the headlines. However, our conditions for the habitability of the Earth depend entirely on the state of health of our biodiversity. What are the structures and people dedicated to its preservation? What objectives do they pursue and armed with what tools?

  • Round table: One health: taking care of our health, that of ecosystems and other living beings (2:40 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.)

Hosted by Laura Lecurieux – Belfond, consultant, in the presence of Samuel Cohen-Salmon, European Climate Pact ambassador, Mathéo Gabon, co-founder of Climatosportifs, Claire Gatecel, regional advisor of the Occitanie-Pyrénées-Méditionranée Regional Council, and by Patrick Caron, president of Agropolis international. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

On a daily basis and throughout our lives, the environment is a major determinant of our health. Whether it is climate change, air pollution, exposure to harmful substances, consumption habits, all of these issues constitute a major public health challenge.

  • Inspiring testimony: The right to health for all (3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.)

In the presence of Abdelaali El Badaoui, founder of Banlieues Santé – Le Café des Femmes. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

There are journeys that inspire and give hope, that of Abdelaali El Badaoui is one of them. A French nurse and community activist, he is president and founder of the Banlieues Santé association. In 2020, he received the European Citizen’s Prize, awarded by the European Parliament, in recognition of Banlieues Santé’s contribution to French society. Its goal: to make health accessible to everyone!

  • Round table: Democracy and ecology – the example of Citizens’ Conventions (4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)

Hosted by Yanick Philipponnat, journalist at Midi Libre, in the presence of Laurence Tubiana (video intervention), president and executive director of the European Climate Foundation (ECF), Benoit Baubry, member of the Citizens’ Climate Convention, Joëlle Zask, professor of philosophy and author of the book “Ecology and Democracy”, and Manu Reynaud, deputy mayor in charge of digital technology for the city and Métropole of Montpellier. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

  • Round table: The power of solidarity in the face of adversity (5:40 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.)

Hosted by Estelle Devic, deputy editor-in-chief at Midi Libre, in the presence of Martine Marragou, president of the Emmaüs Montpellier Community, and Antoine Laurent, former rescue sailor on the Aquarius. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

How can we still believe in humanity when human tragedies after human tragedies are broadcast endlessly on our social networks and television channels? How can we deal with the increase in uninhibited hatred of others in our own societies? The solidarity and mutual aid that arise from these tragedies and the stories they tell are vectors of enormous hope. How, on the scale of your own life, can you contribute to these essential movements of mutual aid and solidarity? How were these movements not only built but also maintained?

  • Round table: Popular ecology evening (6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)

Hosted by Olivier Biscaye, editorial director of Midi Libre, in the presence of Féris Barkat, co-founder of Banlieues Climat, Sanaa Saitouli, co-founder Banlieues Climat, and Isabelle Touzard, vice-president of ecological and inclusive transition, energy, biodiversity, agroecology and food at Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. At the Planet Ocean auditorium. Participation is free upon online registration.

Film screening of Banlieues Climat on their training of young Montpellier residents. Round table on engagement in working-class neighborhoods. Graduation ceremony for young people from Montpellier.

The new world. Conferences, space for tomorrow’s professions and frescoes : Planet Ocean Montpellier, Odysseum, Friday October 4 from 9:30 a.m., and Saturday October 5 from 10 a.m. “I can do it” village, workshops and associations : Place Calypso, Odysseum, Friday October 4 and Saturday October 5 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mobility Village: Volume 10, opposite Ikea, Odysseum, Friday October 4 and Saturday October 5 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


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