“The question of migration status is not the subject,” says MP Antoine Léaument

“The question of migration status is not the subject,” says MP Antoine Léaument
“The question of migration status is not the subject,” says MP Antoine Léaument

The funeral of the young Philippine student was held Friday afternoon at Cathedral, a week after a murder which aroused emotion and debate on the career of the suspect, convicted of rape and awaiting deportation.

“There is obviously a failure at some point in the system […] but the problem is that some people equate the question of his migratory status with the attack. Sexual assaults, physical violence, murders, feminicides, there are in our country, more than a hundred since the beginning of the year”, began Antoine Léaument, deputy of La insoumise, guest from Europe 1 Saturday morning.

“It is not the question of OQTF which will solve the problem”

“The question of the immigration status or the status of the papers of the person is not the subject in reality. If this person had been sent elsewhere, perhaps he would have committed a crime or a murder elsewhere. So, we can to say that it is better that this does not happen in France and I understand that French people say that to themselves but the subject which is in question is how we treat violence, sexual assault, physical attacks in our country and on this subject, I regret to say that it is not the question of OQTF or sending immigrants back to their country which will solve the problem.

“The National Rally makes a systematic link between immigration and delinquency”

For Antoine Léaument, certain politicians, like the National Rally (RN), make a systematic link, on this type of subject, “between immigration and delinquency”. “In some cases, we will talk about them more than others because the RN will decide to highlight them. But the RN did not talk to you about Vanessa, Dominique, Elise, Marie-Louise, Thérèse, Alexandra, Kalma , Romdhana, Zahia or Alicia Ten women who were killed this year in our country because the status of the person who killed them generally does not matter, it is the husband, it is the ex-partner. , it’s a person in the family, but that doesn’t interest them”, he ruled, judging that the Mazan rape trial perfectly illustrates that “anyone” can be the author of sexual assault or physical.

Sentenced in 2021 for a rape committed in 2019, Taha O. was released, “at the end of his sentence”, in June, according to the prosecutor’s office. Upon his release from prison, the 22-year-old man was placed in an administrative detention center (CRA) in . His placement was extended three times, before a judge of freedoms and detention (JLD) validated his release from the CRA.

The JLD justified its decision by the fact that “the person concerned did not request asylum and did not oppose the removal measure” from France. The suspect had also not engaged in behavior constituting a “disturbance to public order” during his stay in the CRA, likely to authorize a fourth extension. The measure was accompanied by an obligation to clock in and house arrest in a hotel in Yonne, where Taha O. will never go. The day before the murder, September 19, he had been included in the wanted persons file because he did not respect his obligation to report.



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