Confucius Institute Day yesterday

Confucius Institute Day yesterday
Confucius Institute Day yesterday
Festive day with the Confucius Institute yesterday.

September 27 marks the celebration of Confucius Institute Day. Confucius Institute Day is a holiday born on September 27, 2014 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Confucius Institute. From now on, at this time of year, Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms around the world will open their doors and hold various activities to allow students and non-students to experience the charm of Chinese language and the splendor of culture Chinese. Wei Zuqin, the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Antananarivo spoke about the value of Confucius Confucianism during the celebration of this day yesterday. “First of all, Confucianism emphasizes the importance of social order. If there is no order in society, there will be chaos and not everyone will be able to live well in this society,” he said before adding that “Secondly, Confucianism emphasizes emphasis on proactivity. Confucianism also emphasizes benevolence and propriety. Fourth, Confucianism emphasizes social harmony. This is the social ideal proposed by Confucianism 2000 years ago, and it still lives up to our aspirations.”

Arranged by Rakotobe



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