Gad Elmaleh, a surprise participation in the Art Dû and Garage comedy clubs in

Gad Elmaleh, a surprise participation in the Art Dû and Garage comedy clubs in
Gad Elmaleh, a surprise participation in the Art Dû and Garage comedy clubs in Marseille

The walls of Art Dû shook in front of this heartfelt cry from the spectators. Coming this Thursday evening for a comedy club for which a surprise guest was announced, these 110 people saw Gad Elmaleh arrive on stage. A giant of humor among aspiring artists, sending jokes a few centimeters from the front rows. “I don’t believe it, he’s really here in front of us”a spectator tried to get her head around. “We’re lucky, huh?”replied his companion, also upset by the brilliance of the little theater on rue Marengo.

All the more remarkable because the star was scheduled an hour later the same evening at Cepac Silo, where his four consecutive shows from Tuesday to yesterday had been sold out for months. So, it was quite a gift that Gad Elmaleh offered to the spectators by participating in a free comedy club, with a hat trick: “I sense in you a joy of value for money”teased the actor as he took the microphone.

Before doing fifteen minutes of pure stand-up, including parts of his new show Himself, in which stand-up is omnipresent. A register that Gad Elmaleh has mastered for a long time, as evidenced by his on-stage masterpiece L’autre c’est moi (2005). And since post-Covid, the artist has found his way more and more frequently to comedy clubs, notably the Paname Art café in the capital.

The evening at Art Dû will remain memorable for Bedou, comedian and recurring MC of the place, moved when announcing Gad Elmaleh. Before sending: “You’re at a free show and you have Gad Elmaleh. We are in a far-left city!” The same emotion was shared by the other comedians lined up that evening: Gabrielle Giraud (see opposite), Anaïs Gilles, Miss Augine, Briac, Sofiane M’Barki and Miss Fatality. The latter arrived on stage with a “It’s nice to come right after Gad Elmaleh. It’s as if after Celine Dion, we had Afida Turner.”

The prize of the evening, however, went to Noé… who arrived late at Art Dû, without knowing that Gad Elmaleh had left the stage three minutes earlier. “He’s the guy who smells an orgy, but sees people already satisfied when he enters the room”Bedou poeticized to an avalanche of laughter.

Rebelote at the Garage this Friday evening

The Moroccan comedian was not finished with since this Friday evening, the regulars of Garage Comedy (6th) in turn saw him arrive once again during a comedy club. The co-founder of the place, Quentin Friburger, confided: “To have him here is incredible. He’s a giant of humor in . When we were contacted by his team, we didn’t miss the opportunity to surprise the spectators.”

Enough to bring back some memories to Michel Nouader, whose Comédie Club Vieux-Port also welcomed Gad Elmaleh in complete privacy last year. “He is someone who has values ​​and does not hesitate to return to small venues. He likes to give strength to the new generation, we remember that he had Kev Adams perform as opening acts for example.” A young guard of humor which continues to accompany him since Himself was written with one of its best representatives, Roman Frayssinet.



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