He tries to lose the CRS bikers during the King of the Bird celebrations… News in Haute- in brief

He tries to lose the CRS bikers during the King of the Bird celebrations… News in Haute- in brief
He tries to lose the CRS bikers during the King of the Bird celebrations… News in Haute-Loire in brief

Le Puy: a minor on a scooter refuses to be checked by the CRS

Present in Puy-en-Velay throughout the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau, the CRS motorcyclists apprehended a young man who was riding his scooter without gloves on Wednesday afternoon. Refusing to comply, the 17-year-old was chased for several minutes through the streets of Puy. He was stopped and finally stopped on Avenue des Belges. Bald tires, lack of insurance, refusal to comply and no gloves… The minor was taken into custody before admitting to all the facts. The Brivois will have to explain his actions before the juvenile judge next February.

Driver hits 17-year-old pedestrian

A pedestrian was knocked down by a car driving at low speed on Place de la Libération in Puy-en-Velay on Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. At the intersection of Avenue de l’Ermitage, the driver turned right and entered. The car coming from the opposite direction gave way to him. However, as he was about to enter, he hit the young pedestrian he had not seen. Slightly injured with a few scratches, the minor living in Saint-Didier-en-Velay was taken to Émile-Roux for check-ups.

Aiguilhe: he steals bottles of alcohol from the supermarket

A 39-year-old man from Saint-Etienne was arrested by the police in the middle of last week in front of the Intermarché store in Chadrac. The two bottles of whisky in his possession had been stolen. The security guards at the nearby Super U in Aiguilhe called 17. The man had committed the same theft a few minutes earlier in their store. The damage is estimated at 80 euros per theft. Explaining that he was coming to Le Puy-en-Velay for the very first time to get some fresh air, the thief left with a summons to appear in court next February. Already known to the courts, he is a repeat offender. The Super U store has decided to maintain its complaint against him.

Blanzac: she hits a teenager on a moped

Last Thursday, at 5:45 p.m., a teenager had a real scare in Blanzac. While driving near Le Moulin de Blanzac, a 41-year-old motorist knocked down a 16-year-old motorcyclist. Lacking attention, the young man was driving in the middle of the road and did not see the car coming the other way. He ended up in the windshield of the vehicle. He escaped unharmed, but was nevertheless taken to the Émile-Roux hospital for further tests.

Saint-Privat-d’Allier: a helicopter-borne hiker

Emergency services were called out on Sunday at around 9:45 a.m. to rescue a 57-year-old hiker who had fallen on the Way of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle near the village of Rochegude. As the site is known to be difficult to access, the Civil Security helicopter based in Puy-de-Dôme was called in. The victim was transported as a relative emergency to the hospital in Puy-en-Velay.

Bas-en-Basset: Truck driver burns himself while washing his truck

At 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, a truck driver from the Eurosérum company in Bas-en-Basset was the victim of an accident at work. While trying to clean his truck, the watering hose slipped out of his hands. The problem was that the water was at 70°C. The splashes on his shoulder and head caused burns. The labor inspectorate was notified of this accident.



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