NÎMES Didier Migaud, distinguished guest at the formal start of the Unîmes law-economics-management department

NÎMES Didier Migaud, distinguished guest at the formal start of the Unîmes law-economics-management department
NÎMES Didier Migaud, distinguished guest at the formal start of the Unîmes law-economics-management department

To mark the occasion, the University of Nîmes welcomed the president of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life, Didier Migaud, on the occasion of the formal opening of the law-economics-management department.

Former MP for Isère, former MP for the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, former First President of the Court of Auditors and now President of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life, Didier Migaud’s CV speaks for him. The senior civil servant was the guest of this solemn return of the law-economics-management department of Unîmes and therefore succeeds Laurent Fabius, present last year.

In the presence of elected officials from Nîmes, Daniel-Jean Valade and Frédéric Escojido, and teachers from the university department in their uniforms, this fourth ceremony remains a significant moment for these students’ entry into university, and offers them a first glimpse of their future course. “It is also about uniting the energies in the team at the faculty level and uniting the partners with whom we work on a daily basis and who are solid supports”explained Vanessa Monteillet, director of the law-economics-management department.

The reception was provided by the President of the University of Nîmes Benoît Roig and Vanessa Monteillet, who will finish her duties in a few weeks, four years after taking them. Moved, it is with pride that she takes the floor to summarize her years of work, which have been very fruitful since many projects have been able to develop. We can cite for example the Night of Law, which will take place this year on October 3, the agreements signed, the creation of the legal clinic, the support for victims of domestic violence or the many conferences given by the Bank of and other local institutions.

Benoît Roig also praised his work in his speech: “I would like to thank you very warmly in front of everyone, for everything you have been able to do and what you will continue to do in this establishment”he addresses him. The president of Unîmes also addressed the new students, praising the qualities of the University to comfort them in their choices: “You will be surrounded by attentive professors, and will be able to meet personalities that you may not always have the chance to meet. We pay particular attention to our students and their success.”he explains into the microphone.

Didier Migaud and the importance of transparency

It was in a conference called “Trust and transparency: ten years of action by the High Authority” that Didier Migaud spoke to students and teachers. Created in 2013 under the presidency of François Hollande thanks to the law on transparency in public life, the High Authority’s role is to monitor and publish declarations of assets and interests for certain public figures, while keeping an eye on possible conflicts of interest in the exercise of their functions.

Benoit Roig • David Andrieu

Thus, it has been important in several major cases such as that of Thomas Thévenoud, former Secretary of State who resigned in 2014. “In a democracy, transparency is necessary, even if its role can sometimes be poorly perceived by some”explains Didier Migaud. This tool aims to make citizens realize who the people who lead them are.

Regarding those who think (rightly or wrongly) that the High Authority could infringe on people’s privacy, Didier Migaud responds: “There is still the justification that it is in the general interest to avoid certain conflicts. We could also ask ourselves what public life would be like without this tool.”he reveals. Didier Migaud also invites students to consider these issues as early as possible. Given the many questions in the amphitheater, their curiosity was very much aroused, a symbol of a positive future for the faculty’s upcoming promotions.



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