El Mordjene spread ambush

El Mordjene spread ambush
El Mordjene spread ambush
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An investigation has been opened.


The Algerian-made spread El Mordjene was a huge commercial success in during the summer, thanks in particular to social networks. After this sudden surge in popularity, the importation of this product into the European Union has been prohibitedNow the spread has been found to be the cause of an ambush and the attack on a 27-year-old man in .

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Coping with the shortage

According to information from Provencethe owner of a business in the Phocaean city, looking to restock on El Mordjene brand spread, responded to an advert offering large stocks. On the evening of Friday 13 September, he sent one of his employees to the address given, in the Valbarelle district, in the 11th arrondissement of the city, with several thousand euros in cash to settle the transaction.

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However, this meeting was nothing more than an ambush. Once there, the young employee was forced to enter a building and climb several floors. He was then awaited by men armed with a handgun who robbed him before letting him leave empty-handed. An investigation has been opened.

Since the Algerian manufacturer's product was banned due to a question of European regulations on imports of dairy products and the blocking of cargoes by customs at the port of Marseille, the price of a single jar of spread has now risen to more than 12 euros.



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