: a robbery targeting… the Algerian spread El Mordjene, now banned in Europe

: a robbery targeting… the Algerian spread El Mordjene, now banned in Europe
Marseille: a robbery targeting… the Algerian spread El Mordjene, now banned in Europe

So much so that stock shortages are rife and customers are willing to travel miles to find some. However, the European Union has decided to ban its import into Europe and the last pots are being snapped up at exorbitant prices. The phenomenon is such that in , a robbery took place with the sole aim of getting hold of the last batches of this spread.

A shopkeeper attacked while he was coming to restock

Behind this robbery, there is all the absurdity of today's society that no longer hides. Last Friday, an employee of a Marseille store came to collect his order of pots of El Mordjene spread. However, the man is far from suspecting that he is expected by criminals who have set a trap for him. Indeed, if the product is banned from importation into , some wholesalers still have stock. The traders do not want to miss out on what has become a real social phenomenon with a pot that was sold for a few euros and now reaches 12 euros or more. The ban on the importation of this product into Europe is justified by the fact that Algeria does not respect the standards for dairy products.

A robbery that could have ended badly

Here, the trader is contacted by a supplier telling him that he still has a few pallets. Immediately, he sends an employee to go and collect the precious merchandise, entrusting him with several thousand euros in cash. When the man arrives in front of the warehouse located in the 11e Marseille district, there will be no spread but a group of individuals who will wait for him to rob him of his money. When the employee arrives on the scene, he is forced to go upstairs and will be threatened with a firearm. Once the money is recovered, the robbers will let their victim go. The investigations have been entrusted to the territorial crime division.



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