The new roles of Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille finally revealed!

The new roles of Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille finally revealed!
The new roles of Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille finally revealed!

Fort Boyard is full of new features for its 35th edition, which begins on France 2 this Saturday, June 29, 2024. Starting with the characters of Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille, whose role evolves in the show.

They are two emblematic figures of Fort Charentais. On one side Passe-Partout, whose real name is André Bouchet, present in the program since its launch in 1990. On the other, Anthony Laborde, alias Passe-Muraille, who officiates in Fort Boyard since 2004 on France 2. Until now, their role had evolved very little. Both were in charge of accompanying the candidates and transporting them from test to test. But this year, everything changes. While the show hosted by Olivier Minne returns to the screen this Saturday June 29, 2024, this 35th season is full of new features. Father Fouras opens the doors of his enigmatic Forbidden cellsthe subtitle of Fort Boyard This year, Willy Rovelli is moving up a gear and will no longer play the sheriff, Vincent Lagaf is making his big comeback on France 2, while for Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille, a new dynamic is needed.

Passe-Muraille found his voice in Fort Boyard on France 2

“I’m Passe-Muraille”launches the character played on screen by Anthony Laborde at the beginning of the show. A remark that seems to surprise the host Olivier Minne and to which the viewers will have to get used. Because this season, the silence is over in Fort Boyard. Passe-Muraille now has the right to speakmainly during quick exchanges with Father Fouras. The same goes for Passe-Oussakass, a recruit from the previous edition in 2023, who makes a speech when one of the candidates enters the catacombs. Only Passe-Partout will remain silent this Saturday, June 29. Perhaps he will speak in the next episodes?

Passe-Partout to the aid of candidates Fort Boyard

But that’s far from the only new thing. The two characters will also have a crucial role to play in the candidates’ progress. One will be able to speed it up, while the other will prefer to slow it down. With more than three decades of experience in the France 2 program, Passe-Partout will have the opportunity to share, with one of the personalities, its best techniques for passing a testas well as the clichés that inevitably lead to failure. A little helping hand that will come twice during the evening: the first time during the quest for the keys, the second time during the adventures in search of clues. Passe-Muraille, for its part, will rather have the mission of putting a spoke in the team’s wheels who comes to rob Father Fouras’ treasure. Once per show, he will be able to face the candidates in a challenge of his choice.



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