Legislative elections: in Lyon, Gabriel Attal attacks the RN and Mélenchon’s “excesses”

Legislative elections: in Lyon, Gabriel Attal attacks the RN and Mélenchon’s “excesses”
Legislative elections: in Lyon, Gabriel Attal attacks the RN and Mélenchon’s “excesses”


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 4:41 p.m.
; updated June 28, 2024 at 4:43 p.m.

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Last day of campaigning for the first round of legislative elections for the presidential majority, given third place in the polls behind the RN and the Popular Front.

For his last moments of the campaign, Gabriel Attal completed his three crazy weeks after dissolution in the Rhône and in Lyon. The Prime Minister is playing big in the department: the outgoing Renaissance deputies are strongly threatened by the surge of the left in the metropolis of Lyon and the RN wave in rural constituencies.

Trip to Meyzieu cancelled in a hurry

The day had started badly for Gabriel Attal who hastily cancelled his first stage in the Rhône. He was due to go at noon to the school deliberately set on fire by two 13-year-old teenagers last week in Meyzieu.

The trip, which was clearly organised very recently, gave rise to lively exchanges between the outgoing MP and candidate for the 13th constituency, Sarah Tanzilli, and the Les Républicains MP for the commune, Christophe Quiniou.

Country lunch and ice cream in Old Lyon

Gabriel Attal finally started his visit to the 6th arrondissement of Lyon by having lunch on a restaurant terrace with the outgoing MP Anne Brugnera, threatened with being put on unfavorable ballot by the left.

The Prime Minister, head of the majority campaign, also spoke at a table with Renaissance activists and took a few selfies with passers-by and customers. He then headed to the very touristy Vieux-Lyon to meet shopkeepers alongside Thomas Rudigoz, who is also in danger in the 1st constituency.

In the stifling streets of Old Lyon, under oppressive heat, Gabriel Attal spoke with passers-by and restaurant managers. ‘Hold on, we’re with you,’ said sympathizers. Others refuse the leaflet. A man sitting on the terrace briefly gets angry: “Attal out, the fascists out.”

He also couldn’t resist an ice cream offered by the ice cream maker René Nordone. “I love praline,” smiles the young head of government whose hours are numbered at Matignon.

“Useful vote from the first round” in the face of “hate speech” from the RN and LFI

During a quick press briefing near a Lyon traffic jam, Gabriel Attal defended the “useful vote from the first round” for the Ensemble pour la République candidates in order, according to him, to confront “the hate speech” of the National Rally and France Insoumise.

“The RN remains a party that wants to sort our fellow citizens according to their origins or their race, their so-called race,” he attacked regarding the recent controversy over the dual nationality of certain French people.

He also denounced the “excesses” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and deplored that the “left by allying itself (with him) is cutting itself off from a great possibility of winning against the extreme right”. “Those who have had the greatest momentum are the Ensemble candidates”, “we are today in the polls at 21-22%” but in third position. The Prime Minister refused to give a voting instruction in the event of a duel between the RN and the Popular Front or a three-way race where the presidential majority is last.

VIDEO. Attal attacks the National Rally and its “sorting” of the French

VIDEO. Gabriel Attal denounces Mélenchon’s “excesses” after anti-cop remarks

The Prime Minister ended his day in Ternay, in the south of the department, to hold a final campaign meeting to support Jean-Luc Fugit, outgoing deputy elected in 2022 with almost 70% of the votes. The RN came in first position in the European elections in its constituency.

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