Joshua and Lina Kimmich: Not love at first sight

Joshua and Lina Kimmich: Not love at first sight
Joshua and Lina Kimmich: Not love at first sight

Joshua and Lina Kimmich are one of the dream couples of the German football scene. However, it was not love at first sight.

There was apparently no immediate connection between national soccer player Joshua Kimmich (29) and his wife Lina (32). As she revealed in a TV documentary, it was not love at first sight. However, she was attracted to his humor, although she did not initially believe in a long-term relationship. The couple are now married and have four children.

The two met ten years ago – and were both very young. At the time, he was a 19-year-old professional footballer for RB Leipzig, and she worked in the club’s office. In the ZDF “sportstudio report: Joshua Kimmich – leader and driver”, Lina Kimmich recalled how they met: “It wasn’t love at first sight. We met, we got on well. We laughed together.” She emphasized: “I maintain that I only got involved with him because he made me laugh back then.”

However, she probably never dreamed that it would become a family of six. “At the beginning, of course, we thought it wouldn’t last long.” Because it was unclear how and, above all, where he would go after Leipzig. “I thought: OK, he’s got another year on his contract, who knows where he’ll go after that.” The goal was Munich – and she moved with him for his sake. For the professional footballer, this was an absolute proof of love: “She was willing to move to Munich for me,” he enthused.

Married since 2022

The couple tied the knot in June 2022. She posted a photo of the wedding on Instagram at the time. In the photo, which she commented on with a heart, she beamed and hugged the footballer. Shortly before that, they had already become parents for the third time. Their first baby together was born in the summer of 2019. In April 2020, the athlete told the Munich “Abendzeitung”: “A child gives life a completely different meaning, a completely new task is there.” At the beginning of 2024, the couple were happy to welcome their fourth child.

Joshua Kimmich, who comes from Rottweil, has been playing for FC Bayern Munich since the 2015/16 season. With the team, he won the treble of championship, cup and Champions League in 2020. The midfield star has also played for the DFB senior national team since 2016 – and will also be on the field at the 2024 European Championship.




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