meeting with Marguerite Courtois who combines creativity and social commitment

meeting with Marguerite Courtois who combines creativity and social commitment
meeting with Marguerite Courtois who combines creativity and social commitment

Marguerite Courtois is a French entrepreneur whose name is now synonymous with audacity, luxury and authenticity. Founder of the haute couture hat brand Courtois Paris, and co-founder of the charity Starsolidaires, she embodies the perfect alliance between creativity and social commitment.

She created Courtois Paris in 2015, which quickly became a reference in the world of fashion and decided to restore French millinery to its letters of nobility, by requiring that each hat be designed with meticulous attention to detail, mixing tradition and innovation. On the verge of buying and saving a new company producing one of the essential raw materials for manufacturing, Marguerite Courtois wants to become the reference for made in France in her field.

But alongside this challenge, she decided to take on other challenges and in 2020 co-founded Starsolidaires, a charitable initiative that sets up a raffle to help caregivers. Since then, the association has continued to provide support to new causes and mobilizes a large number of celebrities to participate in its solidarity raffles. Under her leadership, Starsolidaires has been able to support many projects, such as the Téléthon.

Marguerite Courtois’ journey is a source of inspiration. His ability to combine commercial success and social responsibilities demonstrates that it is possible to run a successful business while contributing positively to society. Her commitment to excellence and her dedication to the humanitarian cause make her an emblematic figure in the world of business and volunteering.



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