North Korea participates in “mass murder of Ukrainians”, denounces kyiv

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The French state should impose a halt to imports of Russian LNG, recommends a senatorial commission of inquiry

The State should impose a stop “as soon as possible” on imports of Russian LNG and take “specific action” on the capital of TotalEnergies to have a “right of inspection”, estimates a commission of inquiry in a report published on Wednesday. senatorial, in the name in particular of the “sovereignty” of the country.

North Korea participates in “mass murder of Ukrainians”, says Ukrainian presidency

Ukraine on Wednesday accused North Korea of ​​providing military aid to Russia that enables the “mass murder” of civilians and called for “more rigorous” measures to isolate the two countries, after Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang.

“North Korea is today actively cooperating with Russia in the military field and deliberately providing resources for the mass murder of Ukrainians,” Mykhaïlo Podoliak, advisor to the Ukrainian presidency, denounced to AFP.

He accused Pyongyang of supplying Moscow with “a large number of large-caliber shells” that allow it to “maintain a high intensity of artillery and missile attacks.”

“This has an impact on the course of the war as a whole and significantly increases the number of civilian casualties,” Podoliak continued, accusing North Korea of ​​“consciously participating” in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Two belugas, exfiltrated from a dolphinarium in Kharkiv, arrived in Spain

Two belugas from a dolphinarium in Kharkiv, a Ukrainian city bombed by Russia, were transferred to the Valencia aquarium during a successful “high-risk international operation”, the oceanographic center of this city announced on Wednesday. Eastern Spain.

The animals, a fifteen-year-old male called Plombir and a fourteen-year-old female named Miranda, arrived at the Oceanogràfic aquarium in Valencia on Tuesday evening “in delicate health conditions after a long journey from the conflict zone”, explained the institution in a press release.

Their evacuation from the Nemo dolphinarium in Kharkiv, endangered by the “frequent bombings” of Russia for several weeks on Ukraine’s second city, located in the northeast of the country, began “with a twelve-hour journey by road » between Kharkiv and Odessa, on the Black Sea.

Ukraine announces upcoming signing of new security agreement with EU

The Ukrainian presidency announced on Wednesday the signing “in the near future” of a security agreement with the European Union, the latest in a series of agreements ratified between kyiv and its Western partners. “The negotiating teams of Ukraine and the EU finalized the text of the security agreement and agreed to sign it in the near future,” the Ukrainian presidency said on its website.

kyiv has already signed agreements with “17 countries”, including EU and G7 member states, and is preparing to sign with “10 more”, according to another press release from the Ukrainian presidency dated June 13 . Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an “unprecedented” defense deal with the United States last week, calling it a “bridge” to NATO membership for his war-ravaged country.

This series of security agreements comes at a time when kyiv is in difficulty on the ground, lacking ammunition and men trying to curb Russian assaults on the front line.

Russia announced on Wednesday that it was waiting for a response from the United States for an exchange of prisoners

Russia announced on Wednesday that it was awaiting a response from the United States to its “ideas” for an exchange of prisoners, comments coming one week before the start of the trial for “espionage” of American journalist Evan Gershkovich, incarcerated for 15 months.

Evan Gershkovich is due to be tried starting June 26 in Yekaterinburg. Moscow had already admitted to negotiating an exchange which would allow the release of this 32-year-old reporter whom it presents as a CIA spy, which Washington, the journalist’s relatives and his employer, the daily The Wall Street Journal, reject, emphasizing that he was arrested in the middle of reporting.

Questioned by the TASS news agency, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov revealed for the first time that Russia had made a proposal to Washington, but he did not want to provide further details.

For Putin, Russia and North Korea are fighting “together” against American “hegemony”

Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia and North Korea were fighting “together” against American “hegemony”, shortly after the two countries sealed an alliance providing for mutual assistance in the event of aggression.

The Russian president also thanked Kim Jong-Un for his unwavering support on Ukraine, seeing it as a “balanced position”. “We are grateful to the leadership and people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for their balanced position on the situation in Ukraine,” the Russian president said.

Westerners accuse Pyongyang of supplying quantities of ammunition to Russia for its assault on its neighbor. In return, North Korea would receive technological aid in particular.

Russian informant arrested in Ukraine

Ukrainian security services said on Wednesday they had arrested a Russian informant, recruited through a “dating chat”. “It was established that the occupants [russes] engaged in cooperation with this man through a popular dating chat on Telegram messaging,” Kiev intelligence services (SBU) assured on social networks.

The SBU said it had seized the phone that the suspect used to communicate with his Russian “friend” and which he also used to photograph “military installations” in order to “help Moscow” prepare attacks on Kharkiv, a large northern city of country.

The suspect was apprehended, placed in detention and risks “up to 8 years in prison”, according to the same source.

Russia intensifies attacks on eastern Ukrainian city Toretsk

Russian forces have intensified their attacks in the direction of the town of Toretsk, located near the front in eastern Ukraine, after a prolonged lull, officials and AFP journalists reported on Wednesday.

The eastern front is still at the heart of intense fighting with an understrength Ukrainian army, but the Toretsk area, in the Donetsk region, was relatively spared in recent months.

“After a long lull, the aggressor has become more active in the Toretsk sector,” explained the Ukrainian army general staff during a briefing on Tuesday evening, ensuring “repelling the aggressor”.

Russian forces are said to have launched “five assault operations in the vicinity of New York, Pivnitchne and Pivdenne”, around Toretsk, the latter said in another press release.

Putin “best friend” of North Korea

We no longer stop the sweet words exchanged between Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin. Real friends! To understand where this long friendship novel comes from, we suggest this article to read below.

Russia and North Korea do not accept ‘blackmail’ from the West, says Putin

We know (a little) more about the agreement signed this Wednesday between Russia and North Korea

“The Comprehensive Partnership Treaty provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against any part of the treaty,” said Vladimir Putin from Pyongyang, adding that this agreement was “a truly revolutionary document” and that Russia “ did not exclude for itself military-technical cooperation” with North Korea.

For his part, Kim Jong-un assured that “this powerful treaty is nothing less than a truly constructive document, forward-looking, and exclusively peaceful and defensive.”

Energy facilities damaged by Russian strikes

“The enemy hit an electrical installation in the center of the country, supply restrictions were put in place,” explained the Ukrainian Energy Ministry on its Telegram account. A statement following a nighttime attack by Russian drones.

These strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure come as the authorities have announced more frequent restrictions to alleviate a network significantly weakened by Russian attacks.

Putin and Kim Jong-un sign strategic partnership

Russian President and North Korean leader Kim signed a strategic partnership agreement in Pyongyang on Wednesday, Russian news agencies reported.

The contents of the document, however, have not been revealed at this stage. Westerners fear a strengthening of military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang, which already supplies the Russian army with ammunition and missiles for its offensive in Ukraine, according to them.

“The ball is in the United States’ court,” says Russia with a view to a prisoner exchange

After having submitted “ideas” to the United States with a view to an exchange of prisoners, Russia is now waiting for answers, indicated the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, in an interview published Wednesday by the state agency Tass.

“The ball is in the court of the United States and we are waiting for them to respond to the ideas that have been presented to them,” declared Sergei Riabkov, refusing to provide further details on this subject. His comments come as the trial of American journalist Evan Gershkovich, detained in Russia for more than a year, is due to begin on June 26.

Ukrainian women denounce being victims of “mass rape” by Russian soldiers

“I am a survivor and I decided to speak about it because this truth could save other women from terrifying experiences”… Iryna Dovgan, 62, decided to “break the silence” to denounce an “invisible crime”: that of having been raped by Russian soldiers.

Five women and several associations held a press conference in Paris to warn of “mass rapes” between 2014 and 2023 by Russian soldiers in Ukraine, a “systematic policy” intended according to them to break up the society of this country.

The “fiery friendship” between Moscow and Pyongyang will strengthen

This is what Kim Jong-un promised Putin this Wednesday morning

Putin invites Kim Jong Un to visit Moscow

Traveling to North Korea to meet his counterpart, the Russian president invited him, in return, to go to Moscow.

“I am delighted to meet you again,” said Vladimir Putin, who has already hosted Kim Jong-un twice in the Russian Far East, in April 2019 and September 2023. “I hope that the next meeting will take place in Russia, in Moscow,” he stressed.

Putin tells Kim ‘appreciates North Korean support’ for Russian policy

The Russian president told his North Korean counterpart on Wednesday that he “appreciates the support” of Russian policies by North Korea, Russian news agencies reported. “We very much appreciate your systematic and permanent support for Russian policy, including on the Ukrainian issue,” said Vladimir Putin, after a solemn ceremony in the main square of Pyongyang.

American soldier sentenced in Russia to more than three years in prison

A Russian court has just convicted an American soldier this Wednesday for theft and threatening to kill, according to the state news agencies Tass and Sputnik. Gordon Black was sentenced to three years and nine months in prison by a court in Vladivostok. This soldier had been arrested in Russia and had been on trial since June 6, accused of threatening to kill, of having “beaten” his Russian girlfriend and of having stolen 10,000 rubles, or a little more than 100 euros.



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