Trauma. In 2007, intimate images of Laure Manaudou were leaked on the Internet by her ex-companion, Pierre Henri. “I was in a relationship where it was: you send a photo and then you don’t send it, I’ll leave you. So, I did it. and the next day I was like, ‘Damn, I’m stuck. I’m going to have to stay with this guy for the rest of my life. Because the more the days passed, the more photos he had“, she confided in the documentary Laura! Laura! Laura !. However, he used another type of blackmail: he asked her to send him other photos or he would post the ones he already had on the Internet. One day, the swimmer made the decision to leave him, knowing that she risked seeing these photos appear on the Web. “It was like rape, everyone had seen the photos. It was the beginning of social networks, I received them 15,000 times a day (…) I remember shaming my family“, she confided.