The deputy director of the Regional Health Agency in Martinique (ARS), Fabien Laleu, spoke about this case of meningitis, the current flu epidemic, the problem of medical desert and the reconstruction of the hospital of the Trinity. For Martinique la 1ère, he takes stock during the morning radio show on Monday January 20.
Fabien Laleu, deputy director general of the Martinique Regional Health Agency (ARS), discusses the death linked to meningitis last week, the flu epidemic and the problem of the lack of doctors. It also addresses the question of the reconstruction of the Trinity Hospital. He was in an interview this Monday morning on Martinique la 1era.
1 Meningitis: around fifty contact cases identified
At the end of last week, an ambulance driver lost his life following bacterial meningitis.
To this day, “biological research is underway“, confirms Fabien Laleu who thinks he will receive results.”by the end of the week.”Nearly 50 contact cases were identified. For some, preventive antibiotic treatment was administered.” We must not forget that it is an extremely rare disease.“, warns the deputy director of the ARS. The last case dates back to 2014 in Martinique.
This disease has low contagiousness; contact cases are those found only in the close family or professional sphere.
Fabien Laleu, deputy director of the ARS
The situation “is completely circumscribed” indicates the deputy director. All people close to the meningitis victim have been contacted.
- For information on meningitis, a telephone platform is available this Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: 06 96 40 42 97. If you have symptoms, call 15.
2 The flu has not yet reached its epidemic threshold
Regarding the flu, “we consider with public health France that the epidemic peak has not been reached”says Fabien Laleu. This would be at its maximum in two or three weeks. The deputy director recalls the importance of the vaccine and the barrier gestures to adopt to avoid being contaminated. “In Martinique, we have the number of vaccines to meet demand“, he confirms.
At the same time, the dengue epidemic is decreasing, even if it is still present.
- If you experience symptoms, call your doctor or dial 15 which redirects you to the access to care service.
3 Towards the reconstruction of the Trinity Hospital?
The deputy director of the ARS said to himself “confident“when in the future of the University Hospital Center (CHU).”Because of the current work, the CHU is forced to close beds. This is the case at Trinity and Pierre Zobda-Quitman. I am really confident because I know that there is a significant mobilization of the medical and administrative community of the CHU to ensure that the situation improves.”he confirms.
-Once the work is completed, we will be able to reassemble these beds and resume activity.
Fabien Laleu, ARS deputy director
For the Trinity, “the reconstruction project is well underway, funding has been mobilized“At the same time, a restructuring project for the current Trinity building was implemented and will be delivered in the first half of 2025.”In the years to come, reconstruction will also be launched on the Marinières site“, confirms Fabien the deputy director.
However, “the university hospital is structurally in deficit“, confirms Fabien Laleu, recalling that an action plan was initiated 2 years ago to “improve operations.” And to explain: in order to “regain room for maneuver, pay suppliers and develop the projects that are necessary, the State injects nearly 100 million euros in cash aid each year“.
The return to balance will not happen within three years, according to the deputy director of the ARS. For now, “it is a plan to improve the quality of care and activity.”
4 How to fill the shortage of doctors?
Each year, between 140 and 150 doctor rotations are recorded in Martinique, depending on the order of doctors.
In 2024, Martinique will have 140 departures and 170 arrivals. ” Despite everything, we manage to renew and have a little more than departures“, rejoices Fabien Laleu. In general medicine, the statistics are close to those of France even if “doctors are not quite evenly distributed.” On the other hand, in specialized medicine, particularly in dermatology, the number of practices is not sufficient.
To help new doctors, a concierge service has been set up as well as installation assistance and tax incentive schemes. “We make the territory more attractive“, confirms the deputy director of the ARS. The objective is now for them to remain permanently in the territory.