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Rustic: big changes for the Sports and Leisure Association

Rustic: big changes for the Sports and Leisure Association
Rustic: big changes for the Sports and Leisure Association

The general assembly of the Sports and Leisure association was the subject of some important changes in front of the 32 members present. The president, Gisèle Vallart opened the session, after the usual thanks, on the moral assessment, followed by the financial assessment of the association and the forecast budget presented by the treasurer Sophie Mourlan.

Then came the famous changes mentioned. First of all, the election of the office where Francis Mourlan, secretary of the association (also the oldest of the correspondents of L'Indépendant), not renewing his mandate, left his place to Gilbert Ranza.

Then, the proposal to increase membership in the association, currently at €6, to reach €10 from September 2025 did not fail to cause a (peaceful) hubbub in the assembly. However, the increase being justified by the numerous conviviality operations whose costs continue to increase and the fact that membership had not changed for years, the members accepted it unanimously.

Finally, Gilbert Ranza presented the proposal to modify the statutes which had not been updated since 1997. All the decisions of the assembly were taken unanimously.

To finish, a film showing moments of life in Rustiques and Francis Mourlan's association was broadcast.

The president offered the glass of friendship and the crown of kings, thus closing the evening in a festive manner.



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