His run only lasted a few hours, but these were marked by relentless tracking. As soon as the usual findings were made at the site of the macabre discovery, the men of the Malika police research brigade set out in pursuit of El. H. Modou Fall.
According to L’Observateur, the investigators had two major assets: the precise identification of their target and in-depth knowledge of the places where the alleged murderer could be hiding. The hunt, discreet and methodical, was carried out without arousing the slightest suspicion. The vigilance of the Malika police officers ended up bearing fruit: El. H. Modou Fall was located and arrested before he could disappear into the shadows.
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As reported by L’Observateur, the 37-year-old man was immediately taken to the Malika police station, where he quickly confessed to the facts. He gave a detailed description of how he set a trap for teenage girl D. Sow in an attempted rape. Still according to L’Observateur, the speed of the arrest probably saved the suspect’s life. On social networks, many voices were raised to demand the distribution of his photo in order to organize a citizen hunt against him. The Malika police officers, by acting quickly and efficiently, made it possible to avoid an outburst of popular anger.
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