Bagnac-sur-Célé. Services, almost 10 years old

Bagnac-sur-Célé. Services, almost 10 years old
Bagnac-sur-Célé. France Services, almost 10 years old

Opened as one of the very first “ Services” houses in France, inaugurated by Emmanuel Macron then Minister of Finance ten years ago in October 2025, that of Bagnac offered, like every year, to participate in the national day of France Services. No less than 2,700 reference points share the same honor; the whole point being to put each inhabitant 20 km from this place. Friday October 11, La Poste de Bagnac-sur-Célé offered all customers a breakfast as part of the France Services open days. This national event, relayed locally, aims to promote this free service.

As a reminder, the Frances Services are one-stop shops where you, as a citizen, are supported in carrying out administrative procedures; bring each citizen closer to their administration; this is the goal, but not only that, since the staff are also there to train. Like every year, the population welcomed this initiative with great enthusiasm, and many Bagnacois came to enjoy some cookies and drink a good coffee. It was also an opportunity to present the new digital advisor Pierre Anthony, whose mission is to promote digital inclusion, through free digital workshops, in groups or individually. For years, many people have visited the Post Office to benefit from training. Finally, a tax office was also present, to answer all users’ tax questions. A busy day, which met expectations, and which will undoubtedly be repeated next year.




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