Small but fine depression over acts as a warm air jet. Afterwards, plenty of sunshine!

Small but fine depression over acts as a warm air jet. Afterwards, plenty of sunshine!
Small but fine depression over France acts as a warm air jet. Afterwards, plenty of sunshine!

​October 2024 presents an unusually stable weather situation, which is primarily characterized by a dominant high pressure system over Central Europe. This weather situation ensures a continued reduction in temperatures, which are well above average for this time of year.

What is special about the current situation is the role that the high pressure cell plays in holding back the Atlantic low pressure areas and preventing them from reaching Central Europe with their typical cold air intrusions and rain fronts. Instead, warm air masses from southwestern regions are directed towards Germany, resulting in persistently mild, partly sunny weather that is more reminiscent of an extended late summer.

At the same time, there are significantly more active weather patterns over the Atlantic. There are strong pressure differences between cold air from North America and warmer ocean areas. Although these low pressure areas are pushing towards Europe, the influence of the stable high pressure system prevents these weather fronts from completely breaking through into Germany. The south and east of the country in particular are affected by this constant high pressure system and experience calm, often sunny days, while the north and west, which are closer to the Atlantic low pressure areas, are occasionally touched by cloud fields and weak rain fronts. In addition, these pressure structures are responsible for the supply of warmer than average air masses.

This warm air nozzle consequently establishes temperatures that are significantly too warm for late October. With values ​​of 15 to 20 degrees and only isolated cooler phases, temperatures in many places remain above the level typical for autumn. However, fog may form at lower altitudes in the morning and evening and may persist in some regions. These fog fields are a recurring phenomenon, especially in the river valleys and depressions, and particularly characterize the morning hours.

A look at the coming days shows that there will initially be little change in the large-scale weather situation. The high pressure area remains dominant and continues to provide mild, partly sunny conditions, while the low pressure areas in the Atlantic try to force their way through this blockage. It still remains to be seen whether they will succeed in breaking the stable weather situation and causing a significant change in the weather. However, forecasts indicate that a shift in air pressure conditions is possible at the turn of the month, which could lead to a significant drop in temperature and colder conditions.

This stable high pressure situation will lead to a mix of typical autumn weather with fog and unusually warm temperatures, which are likely to last for a few more days before winter begins to make its presence felt.


The beginning of the week is divided into two parts. Dense clouds and light rain are expected in the north and west, while the south and east can enjoy sunny spells. Morning fog fields will dissipate and temperatures can rise to 20 degrees in sunny regions.


The unsettled weather continues, with thicker clouds and occasional rain in the north and west. In the south it remains friendly, temperatures fluctuate between 13 and 18 degrees.


Wednesday begins with fog in many places, which clears up as the day progresses and allows for sunny periods. Only on the coasts will the clouds remain denser, with no significant rainfall. The temperatures are between 11 and 16 degrees.


The day remains calm overall, after patches of thick fog in the morning, the sun sets in as the day progresses. The maximum values ​​reach 13 to 18 degrees.


Denser clouds and locally light rain are expected in the west, while other areas will experience mostly friendly autumn weather. The temperatures are between 13 and 16 degrees.

Overall, the weather will remain calm and mild until the end of the month. However, a slight cooling is expected at the turn of the month, which could mark the end of the golden October.



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