“The two quiches who investigated were Elsa and me”

“The two quiches who investigated were Elsa and me”
“The two quiches who investigated were Elsa Bois and me”

This Friday, October 18, after the departures of Jeanfi Janssens and Frédéric Diefenthal, two new investigators from the Game Master leave the show. In this investigation game, twelve participants gathered in a castle must unmask their mystery host. During this second evening, Francis Perrin is eliminated by his teammates. At the end of the suspicion ceremony, he is designated as the candidate the players trust the least. Enough to delight the accomplice of the Master of the game, Max Boublil, who tries at all costs to divert suspicion against him. He first chooses his first victim, Chantal Ladesou, and, to cover his tracks, he decides to eliminate the actress Sara Mortensen. The latter leaves the adventure while she joins forces with Valérie Damidot, Elsa and Claire Francisci-Ducret to advance the investigation. For Tele-Leisurethe actress returned to this unique television experience.

Sara Mortensen opens up about filming Game Master : “Sometimes I laughed so much that I forgot to look!”

Tele-Leisure : Are you a fan of board games?
Sara Mortensen :
I’m rubbish! You can ask my son, I never understand the rules. Exiting the Pictionnary, which is super simple, I’m in PLS. I never understood Cluedo, Werewolves makes me want to vomit… I love playing but you need incredible patience with me because I never understand anything and I don’t care about winning or losing …

Did your roles as cops help you with the Game Master ?
No way ! Between Astrid and me there is a whole gulf! But by playing cops, I’m a good investigator in real life. I meet a lot of police officers for my roles. In The Game Master, we are looking for a personality, so we must have a very important VIP culture. And sometimes, I laughed so much that I forgot to look.

Your duo with Elsa Bois allows you to move forward quickly in the investigation…
I think we were both good students, the two quiches at a table trying to remember it was us : both structured and serious of the game! And then, Elsa Bois is so sparkling and brilliant. She told me that she read so much when she was little that to punish her her parents took away the books. I studied literature so we got together quite a bit.

Sara Mortensen (The Game Master) : “I suspected Claire Francisci-Ducret because I found it very intelligent that there was an accomplice in the couple”

What was your reaction when you left?
I was sad to leave in the middle of the game, and I was convinced that it was Elsa and I who were in danger because we were too much on everyone’s side. And then Max, he’s nice but I suspect everyone except him… You really don’t have to be a sleuth to choose me! Eliminate people who have it in for you but not me! I also tell myself that I don’t bring in enough money for the association…

Before your elimination by the accomplice, did you have suspicions about one of the candidates? I suspected Claire Francisci, because I found it very intelligent that there was an accomplice in the couple. Without mentioning the competition but The Traitors did it and it was a good idea. I think Claire would have held her tongue very well against Arnaud Ducret. He would have been seen quickly but Claire would have held on, it would have been a stroke of genius… But in the end it was this large asparagus, our national Pluto! Pluto is very intelligent too, Max is super lively and clever, he hides his game well.

How did you experience the “summer camp” spirit that reigned on the set?
You have no idea how much we laughed. It was just laughing fit after laughing fit. It did us all good to be together. I knew Max a little because we were in fifth grade together in the same English class. I also knew Arnaud Ducret because we did the Florent classes together20 years ago. So I had already met Claire, Arnaud is my friend and Max we had crossed paths 102 years ago. On the show, I met Chantal Ladesou who I find extraordinary. I am also still in contact with Francis Perrin and I discovered Cartman’s culture, finesse and sensitivity.



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