The youngest MP in , Flavien Termet (RN), announces his resignation: News

The youngest MP in , Flavien Termet (RN), announces his resignation: News
The youngest MP in France, Flavien Termet (RN), announces his resignation: News

During the last legislative elections, Flavien Termet became the youngest deputy in at 22 years old. Monday September 30, the Ardennes elected official announced his resignation in a press release.

The youngest deputy in France, elected on July 7 during the last legislative elections, will not have sat on the benches of the Assembly for long. Monday September 30, RN deputy Flavien Termet announced his resignation for medical reasons as reported by L’Ardennais.

Being a deputy, I can only envisage it through a total investment in your service, at your side: to help you. This mandate was full of promises and be sure that if I make this painful decision, it is because I am forced to do so,” indicates the youngest member of the Assembly in a press release.

Who to succeed him?

Elected with nearly 53% of the vote, France’s youngest parliamentarian leaves an empty seat. In his press release, Flavien Termet affirms that the National Rally will once again present a candidate. “The Rally will present a candidate during the upcoming election and I have every confidence in him to fiercely defend our beautiful department and its inhabitants,” he said.

The resignation of France’s youngest MP occurs in a constituency which had already experienced its share of controversies. During the first round of the legislative elections, two RN ballots were present during the vote and an appeal was filed to request the annulment of the election.

published on September 30 at 2:44 p.m., Arnaud Enjourbault, 6Medias




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