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in , this tobacco is full after a gain of 500,000 euros

in , this tobacco is full after a gain of 500,000 euros
in Marseille, this tobacco is full after a gain of 500,000 euros

Loyal to his post between candy and lighters, Samir finds it difficult to describe the dizziness that hit him a little over two weeks ago. That day, the salesman at the tobacco shop “Le Bess“, boulevard National (3rd arrondissement of ), sells a scratch game worth 5 euros to a regular customer without really believing in it, almost out of habit.

Sometimes he even asked me to choose the game for him“, recalls Samir, whose eyes widen as he stares at the six-figure sum written behind him: 500,000 euros, won in his tobacco shop on September 18. “I still have a hard time telling myself that it really happened.“, whispers the young man who sees”hundreds of customers scrolling to buy the same game as the winner“, he exults.

Shelter the family

Attentive to the trifecta, Jedai, shocked by this news, lets insults fly as quickly as the purebred Arabians in the enclosures. “If it had been me? I would have sheltered the family! Not here but in Algeria“, he imagines. Puffing on his cigarette in front of “Le Bess“, Sora, by Félix Pyat, and who confesses”carrying around a disability for years“I swear, generous, that she would have”almost everything donated to associations in tribute to his son, a nurse at Saint-Joseph, who makes himself proud by helping others“.

Desires to travel

Ambitious, Riyadh would have “everything placed in apartments for rent before buying a villa“, he says while he regretfully hands over two 50 euro notes to buy his dose of nicotine. Samir, for his part, goes after the customers and smiles. Where Omar notes, a little bitterly, “having won 700 euros but lost 20 times more in this same tobacco“.

Spreading like wildfire, the conversation reaches the café in Algiers. Jean, from , dreams of being a great traveler so, he proclaims in front of his construction colleagues in their outfits covered with jets of paint, “go to Latin America, to Mexico to start, then everywhere“. Because on Boulevard National, everyone holds, with the story of this gain, the dream of escaping…



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