The health schools of Indre-et- open their doors

The health schools of Indre-et- open their doors
The health schools of Indre-et-Loire open their doors

A thousand learners at the Red Cross Skills, 1,127 in the schools of the CHRU of (2, rue Mansart in Chambray-lès-Tours), 217 at the Ifsi-Ifas Robert-Debré d'Amboise… The schools of health department are in the starting blocks, a few days before their first open day of the year.

The qualities of infrastructure and supervision highlighted

During this day, Red Cross Competence will present no less than eighteen training courses, including eight which are the subject of a long course: caregiver, childcare assistant, ambulance assistant, medical assistant, occupational therapist, nurse, nurse childcare worker, masseur-physiotherapist. “Training ranging from bac to bac + 5, for which we have no difficulty recruiting”we communicate on the side of the competent Red Cross, with “one hundred and fifty years of nursing training. » On the other hand, in the social sector – 150 students – communication efforts must be maintained. How ?

“We communicate “Red Cross competence”, on the regional council forum, in high schools, on the Internet, via YouTube channels, social networks, billboards in town…”

The establishment highlights its efficient structures, its cutting-edge equipment, its virtual reality room… in the hope that this will speak to future students. “The context in which our students evolve is important and our support is essential. Everything is done so that they learn in the best conditions. »

Enrich learner training

On the side of the CHRU schools, “they have initiated a process of attractiveness and modernization, contributing to ensuring that all promotions see their places filled”replies the hospital.

By benefiting from a unity of place, the IFPS “brings together nine paramedical training courses on the same site, with the sharing of certain courses and events, which enrich the training of learners”.

Attachment to the CHRU of Tours then gives privileged access to the training grounds of the CHRU of Tours.

Finally the“access and development of a simulation hospital” (creation of a fictitious service, with digital retransmission equipment) allow a situation as close as possible to reality.



Schools will be open at the following times:

  • Ifsi-Ifas Robert-Debré: January 25, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 13, avenue Émile-Gounin in Amboise.
  • The Red Cross competence: 1is February from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 6, avenue du Professor-Alexandre-Minkowski in Chambray-lès-Tours.
  • The schools of the Tours CHRU: 1is February from 10:30 a.m. on the IFPS (Health Professions Training Institute) site at 2, rue Mansart in Chambray-lès-Tours. Virtual open houses will be offered from Monday January 27 to Thursday January 30, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (follow this link).

And learning?

> Several IFPS courses are integrated into the CFA health and it is therefore possible to access them via apprenticeship.

> There were 1,300 learners last year.

> Training courses are evolving within the framework of universityization, that is to say the partnership between schools and the University in order to deliver university diplomas to learners in paramedical sectors, in addition to the State diploma of existing.

> Apprenticeship is constantly developing through the CHRU health CFA, which now has 80 students, in 10 training courses, with the support of the ARS to develop apprenticeship at the regional level.



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