The foldable smartphone war intensifies without Apple

The foldable smartphone war intensifies without Apple
The foldable smartphone war intensifies without Apple

Get ready for an avalanche of foldable smartphones! In the space of a few days, Samsung, Honor and Xiaomi will unleash their new models. An epic battle that will be played out without Apple.

Source : Unsplash

Get ready for an avalanche of foldable smartphones! In the space of a few days, Samsung, Honor and Xiaomi will unleash their new models. An epic battle that will be played out without Apple. But has the Cupertino giant really missed the boat? Diving into a booming market that could well redefine our relationship with smartphones.

The big boom in foldable products

The numbers speak for themselves: according to Counterpoint Researchthe global foldable smartphone market jumped 49% in the first quarter of 2024. That’s impressive growth, even though these devices still only account for 1.5% of the overall smartphone market. But make no mistake, this may be where the future of the industry lies.

The Galaxy Z Fold 6 in blue // Source: evleaks

TrendForcea renowned analysis firm, predicts that foldables could represent 4.8% of the market by 2028. A meteoric rise that can be explained in particular by the gradual drop in prices, making these technological gems more accessible to the general public.
The Battle of the Giants

Supposé Xiaomi Mix Fold 4 // Source : Evan Blass

In this explosive context, three giants are preparing to do battle. Samsung, a pioneer in the sector, will announce its Galaxy Z Fold 6 on July 10. Honor should follow on the 12th with its Magic V3, while Xiaomi is preparing its Mix Fold 4 behind the scenes. A concentration of announcements that shows how fierce the competition is.

Honor Magic V3 dans le teasing // Source : Honor

But be careful, the leader may not be who you think. In the first quarter, it was Huawei that took the lead, thanks in particular to its strong presence in China. A reminder that the foldable market is still young and that positions are not fixed.

Le grand absent : Apple

In this battle of the titans, one name is conspicuous by its absence: Apple. The Cupertino giant, usually at the forefront of innovation, seems to be observing the scene from afar. However, rumors of an “iPhone Flip” have been circulating for years.

According to some sources, Apple is even working on two prototypes of foldable iPhones. But the Apple company is taking its time, faithful to its strategy of arriving late on a market to better revolutionize it. If Apple launches, analysts at TrendForce predict that this “could significantly alter market dynamics.”

The challenges of foldables

Despite their growing popularity, foldable smartphones face challenges. Their repair rate remains relatively high, which clearly shows the technical complexity of these devices. Long-term durability is also a key issue, and even more so today.

Additionally, price remains a significant barrier to mass adoption. Even if prices drop, a foldable smartphone still costs significantly more than an equivalent classic model.



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