iPhones have built-in YouTube functionality

iPhones have built-in YouTube functionality
iPhones have built-in YouTube functionality

What if Apple took inspiration from YouTube to improve Podcasts? Yes, that’s the case with the arrival of iOS 18! Dive into the heart of your little stories for a whole new experience!

Apple’s latest update continues to surprise with the new options it brings to the operating system. Between promising artificial intelligence and various other features, it is today adding to its vast catalog an unprecedented advancement in its native podcast application. Inspired by Google’s video host, it will allow you to better control it!

The new features never end with iOS 18!

Before falling asleep, on the move or while doing sports, you often put on your headphones and immerse yourself in wonderful stories. Offering a wide choice of content, audio on demand transports you into several captivating worlds. Between horror threads, replays of shows, stories of all kinds and much more, they have been bringing, for several years, a real comfort for the listeners. Moreover, they are more and more popular and reach a wider audience.

Today, iPhone users are welcoming a brand new feature to Podcasts. Available for some time now on Apple smartphones, it promises you many surprises. Indeed, with the arrival of the SE version, the Tech giant did not fail to make improvements.

This may not have been highlighted during the WWDC, nevertheless, it intends to find a place alongside the other new products. It is with the second beta ofiOS 18 that it has been deployed. Indeed, a tool already offered by YouTube for its videos is arriving there, namely “integrating chapters into a podcast».

This option was certainly already available on the application, but it required manipulation to work. Moreover, this has led several programs not to use it. Faster and more efficient, it now presents itself in a different light and promises a whole new experience!

When will this new feature be available?

According to a user, under the nickname Wristnut on Reddit, “This feature should arrive with the release of iOS 18 next September.“. Furthermore, it would seem that ” integration of chapters » will be able to work on all podcasts, without having to focus on one codecdownload in particular. That said, this new feature does not stop there and goes further. Indeed, it allows you to add content to Apple’s platform using files MP4 , MP3or AAC .

So it’s time to enjoy it on iPhone, especially after Google discontinued its Podcasts app. In fact, it already stopped working on April 2 in the USA,and since June 24 in the rest of the world. Instead of investing in these stories, the Mountain View firm largely prefers to focus onYouTube Musicwhich already offers them.

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