Got 4,000 euros to spare? You can now buy Apple’s Vision Pro headset in France

Got 4,000 euros to spare? You can now buy Apple’s Vision Pro headset in France
Got 4,000 euros to spare? You can now buy Apple’s Vision Pro headset in France

A little less than six months after the launch in the United States, Apple’s Vision Pro is available for pre-order in France.

“The era of spatial computing” is officially launched at Apple, with the arrival of pre-orders in France for the Vision Pro this Friday, June 28 at 2 p.m., its mixed reality headset, scheduled for July 12 in our latitudes. On the other hand, you will have to spend (a lot) of money, since the price reaches 4,000 euros. However, this is only the base price, without accessories and in a version with 256 GB of storage space.

A success that remains to be determined

The Vision Pro is a headset that allows you to integrate digital content into your physical space, and therefore to work, watch videos or even chat with your friends via Facetime without moving from your sofa or desk. It is equipped with a small external battery to which it is constantly connected, allowing you to move without real limits in a space transcribed almost to perfection.

First launched in the United States in February 2024, Apple’s Vision Pro quickly saw its demand calm down after a few weeks. However, the manufacturer has never communicated on sales, leaving doubt about its real success, past the hype of the initial launch.

In any case, by offering the Vision Pro in Europe, including France, Apple is seeking to intrude in another way into consumers’ homes. If you can actually use a Macbook, the idea remains to carry out sessions in full autonomy.

For people who wear glasses, it should be noted that the helmet does not allow you to wear them while using it. Depending on your eyesight, you will therefore need to use specific lenses to insert into the helmet, which can be ordered when purchasing your Vision Pro.

Our complete test of the Vision Pro will probably allow you to form a first opinion on this device as expensive as it is futuristic, which however is not likely to receive a new version for many months.



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