Le Pen suspects Macron of preparing “an administrative coup” in anticipation of cohabitation

Le Pen suspects Macron of preparing “an administrative coup” in anticipation of cohabitation
Le Pen suspects Macron of preparing “an administrative coup” in anticipation of cohabitation

The president of the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly anticipates an “administrative coup d’état” by the presidential camp which, according to her, is considering carrying out a wave of appointments before a possible cohabitation, notably at the head of the national police and gendarmerie.

Is Emmanuel Macron considering appointing several senior officials before the results of the second round of the legislative elections that could give a relative or absolute majority to the National Rally (RN)? “There are rumors that the President of the Republic is considering (…) appointing the director general of the national police, while he was supposed to stay until the end of the Olympic Games, and the director of the national gendarmerie,” declared the leader of the RN, this Tuesday, July 2, on the morning show of France Inter.

For her, the “objective” of such hasty appointments is “to prevent Jordan Bardella from governing the country as he wishes”, if the National Rally wins the majority on Sunday in the second round of the legislative elections.

“It is a form of administrative coup d’état,” she said, while hoping “that this is just a rumor.”

“For people who give lessons in democracy to the whole world, it is still surprising to act in this way,” she was indignant in advance. “In these cases, it was not necessary to dissolve,” she insisted.

Eric Ciotti concedes that “it has always been done”

Invited on BFMTV this Tuesday, the former Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune accused the far-right leader of either “lying to the French, or of not knowing the Constitution (…) or perhaps a mixture of the two”, denouncing “extremely serious words and behavior” and a “form of conspiracy” from the former presidential candidate.

“Prefects and ambassadors are changed regularly on the proposal of the Prime Minister and validation of the President of the Republic. That’s the Constitution,” he added. “It will be the same tomorrow with another government.”

For his ally Éric Ciotti, this shows a “general panic” to “rehouse relatives”. “It is a sign of defeat, perhaps of lucidity in the matter”, he added on Europe1/Cnews, while acknowledging that “it has always been done”.



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