A tattoo may prevent your Apple Watch from working properly

A tattoo may prevent your Apple Watch from working properly
A tattoo may prevent your Apple Watch from working properly

A recent video on TikTok is an opportunity to recall a rather strange phenomenon, but recognized by the Apple brand: a tattoo can reduce the quality of the results provided by the Apple Watch.

In a video from the cosmetic nurse known on TikTok as hwclinnicbrugge (owner of a medical center located, you guessed it, in Bruges) we discover the case of a man who has a laser tattoo removed for good reason: it prevented his Apple Watch from working properly.

Anecdotal? Certainly, but this made it possible to rediscover a fact recognized by Apple: tattoos can have a negative influence on the Apple Watch. To achieve consistent results, in fact, the connected watch needs to diffuse light into your arm. However, this can be deviated in its trajectory by the presence of ink, particularly if it is colored. This is a problem that particularly arises when measuring heart rate.

This is not a problem limited to Apple Watches, and almost all connected watches experience the same problem. So avoid getting a tattoo on the location of your watch which, in any case, will hide the artistic work of the tattooist.

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