Fire in the Kennedy Tower in Liège: two victims still in intensive care, return of residents difficult to imagine

Fire in the Kennedy Tower in Liège: two victims still in intensive care, return of residents difficult to imagine
Fire in the Kennedy Tower in Liège: two victims still in intensive care, return of residents difficult to imagine

The fire broke out on Monday in the Kennedy Tower in Liège.

According to our information, two people are still in intensive care and the third person hospitalized has been able to leave the hospital.

Among the deceased, a 70-year-old man who apparently tried to help his neighbors, and a 78-year-old lady who lived alone on the 17th floor of the tower.

244 people were treated by healthcare services during the fire.

Inside the building, many areas are charred. The temperature reached several hundred degrees in some places. Only the stability of the building is not affected. “At the moment, there is indeed an area that is totally contaminated inside the building.”indicates Denis Honders, captain of the Liège firefighters. “Added to that is the total absence of energy. So there is no more electricity, no more gas. And that also means no more elevators within the building. And so it is very difficult to “accept the return of the building’s occupants at this time. The majority of the damage is located in the common areas of the tower, on all floors.”

The city plans to relocate its victims on a case-by-case basis.. “We have all the scenarios that society can present,” emphasizes Willy Demeyer, mayor of Liège. “But we also have competent services that will assist all these people, owners or tenants.”

Firefighters continue to evacuate food from the tower. A delicate operation which should last around ten days. The official death toll remains two people.

Fire in the Kennedy Tower Liège



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