Windows disables Windows Mail and Calendar: solution, Outlook

Windows disables Windows Mail and Calendar: solution, Outlook
Windows disables Windows Mail and Calendar: solution, Outlook

Changes at Microsoft: starting in July, the Windows Mail and Calendar applications will gradually be made unusable. Users will have to upgrade to new versions.

Marcel Horzenek / t-online

More from “International”

In short:

  • Microsoft is phasing out Mail and Calendar functions.
  • The end of support is coming sooner than expected.
  • Users must migrate to the new Outlook.

Microsoft has implemented its plan to deactivate Windows Mail and Calendar programs. From mid-July this year, these applications should gradually lose their functionality. Users will be encouraged to migrate to the new Outlook.

An announcement was recently published in the Microsoft 365 admin center: Windows users are affected, but also those who use outdated versions of Outlook on Android, iOS and macOS. The change concerns, among other things:

  • Outlook for iOS before version 4.2411
  • Outlook for Android before version 4.2342
  • Outlook for Mac before Version 16.73
  • Windows Mail and Calendar

The press release specifies: “From mid-July, old Outlook accounts will be suspended.” It is advisable to upgrade to the new Outlook or the latest versions for the affected operating system.

In addition to the applications themselves, the change also affects access to the web via outdated browsers. Starting mid-August, users of older versions of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox as well as Opera will receive error messages instead of the usual Outlook interface. com.

The stop is done step by step

These measures come earlier than expected: Microsoft originally planned to end support for Mail and Calendar on December 31, 2024, but the phase-out now begins in the middle of this year.

The deactivation is taking place in several waves and is expected to be completed by the end of September 2024. According to Microsoft, organizations with so-called vanity domains are also affected, with their functions limited in the affected applications.

Initially, from mid-July, basic functions such as receiving and sending e-mails will be removed in old programs – making them practically unusable. With this measure, Microsoft wants to push its users to switch to the new Outlook application.

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Translated and adapted by Tanja Maeder

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