Even after creating Elden Ring, the father of Dark Souls is not completely satisfied: he is “no longer very far from his ideal fantasy RPG”

Game news Even after creating Elden Ring, the father of Dark Souls is not completely satisfied: he is “no longer very far from his ideal fantasy RPG”

Published on 06/18/2024 at 07:50

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With Demon Souls, the Dark Souls series, Sekiro and Elden Ring, Hidetaka Miyazaki has already made millions of players dream (cry) around the world. And yet, the man is far from having reached the top of his art. He says it himself: “it is no longer very far from his ideal fantasy RPG”.

Childish drawings

Tabletop role-playing games and books in which you are the hero, it is not complicated to see these passions emanating from the different titles of Hidetaka Miayaki as they have participated in marking out its universes and governing its codes. Elden Ring, with its sprawling open world, particularly resonates “to the licenses that I loved to study and draw when I was a child, from Middle-earth to Azeroth of Warcraft” declares the president of FromSoftware.

See Elden Ring on Amazon

It is during an interview for PC Gamer that the man gives his impressions on all of his productions. He is asked if Elden Ring is an intentional expansion of typical 80s dungeon crawlers and which often asked players to draw their own map and inventory. Question to which Miyazaki answers: “I think it comes down, more than anything, to my personal preferences when it comes to RPGs and exploration. You can find a little bit of me in the world of Elden Ring” he explains. “For me, the excitement comes in discovering a vast map and unlocking all its secrets. When we finally got to do it in this title, it was really, really nice.”

The ideal game

It should however be noted that, although very happy toElden Ring and its success, he still hasn’t managed to create the real title of his dreams.

During the Elden Ring interviews, I think I mentioned that I’m still creating my ideal fantasy RPG. And while Elden Ring isn’t quite what this perfect game aspires to be, it’s still pretty close. I’m reaching the goal. – Hidetaka Miyazaki (PC Gamer)

And when asked what the title is missing to achieve “ideal RPG” status, Miyazaki laughs then explains that “It’s hard to say without spoiling our next game. But I think one thing that’s not necessarily missing, but makes it harder to achieve that ideal, is that when I play it, I already know everything about it. ‘it’s going to happen.Saddened not to be able to appreciate the adventure from the player’s point of viewhe then enjoins the creators to “create your ideal fantasy game, please, then I can finally enjoy it like an average player who still has everything to discover”.

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