Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster: an unexpected return?

The immense Final Fantasy Tactics would soon be back! A crazy hope for fans of tactical RPGs, as Square Enix’s title was founding.

Final Fantasy Tactics fan, I’m in total excitement after recent revelations which suggest that a remaster of Final Fantasy Tactics is not only being considered but is already in development. This news was brought forward by Jason Schreier, a renowned Bloomberg journalist, thus fueling the hopes long held by fans of the famous tactical RPG.

A legend in the making

Originally released in 1997 for PlayStation, Final Fantasy Tactics made an impact with its innovative blend of deep storytelling and tactical strategy, all in FF lore. The Game Boy Advance version was also incredible. The game follows the epic tale of Ramza Beoulve and his companions, caught in the webs of politics, wars and occult conspiracies. Known for its grid-based battles and a complex job system allowing for deep character customization, the game set a high standard for tactical RPGs.

From rumors to reality

Jason Schreier’s confirmation crystallizes years of speculation and small clues left by Square Enix. In 2021, a leak from Nvidia had already included Final Fantasy Tactics in a list of games potentially in the works, sparking hope among the community. In addition, the director of Final Fantasy 14 recently mentioned that Square Enix was working on several unannounced games, leaving the door open for the possibility that one of them could be the long-awaited remaster.

byu/Joseki100 from discussion

What to expect from this remaster?

If the details still remain vague, fans’ expectations are precise: faithfulness to the original game with graphical and gameplay improvements that could attract both nostalgic fans and new players. The prospect of rediscovering the tactical complexity of Final Fantasy Tactics with modern technologies is enticing and could redefine gaming for a new generation.

Although the official announcement is still awaited, the clues accumulated so far give a lot of credence to the idea of ​​a triumphant return of Final Fantasy Tactics. For my part, I hope to relive an epic adventure and strategic clashes of tough difficulty, with the added bonus of this job system which gives FF Tactics its very advanced RPG side.



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