One of the greatest JRPG sagas is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Its next episode is coming soon

One of the greatest JRPG sagas is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Its next episode is coming soon
One of the greatest JRPG sagas is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Its next episode is coming soon

Game news One of the greatest JRPG sagas celebrates its 20th anniversary! Its next episode is coming out soon

Published on 06/26/2024 at 3:45 p.m.

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The month of June 2024 is punctuated by various anniversaries, but one of the most important concerns the 20th anniversary of a cult JRPG saga. For the occasion, its producer sees things big and his next opus is arriving soon.

20 years of a cult saga…

Considered one of the most cult JRPG series with its more than 10 opusesto the saga Trails celebrates its 20th anniversary. For the occasion, its developer – Falcom (Ys) – saw the big picture. To thank players for their unwavering support, it offers for sale a multitude of goodies of all kinds, whether it is acrylic stands with the image of the characters, figurines, posters and even luxury watches! Various exhibitions are also planned in Japan, presenting in detail various production files and going over in detail the many points in the history of the games as well as their participants.

A story which can also be quite complicated to follow, especially in knowing that an 11th opus is preparing to arrive in the West this year, The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak. In fact, all the titles in the series follow each other chronologically, regularly recalling events that happened in previous games, and therefore make discovery quite difficult. However, the new episode to be released seems to present itself as a soft reboot of a series which is well worth the detour.

…that you have to deserve

Series Trails stems from Falcom’s desire to put an end to the universe developed within their “Gagharv” trilogy, belonging to the Legend of Heroes franchise. In order to start on new bases, a new title – Trails in the Sky – was released on PC on June 24, 2004 in Japan and thus laid the first stone of the license. Due to the lack of international notoriety of the developer, we had to wait until 2009 and a partnership between the latter and XSEED (Farmagia) to see Ys Seven, Ys: the Oath in Felghana, Ys I & II Chronicles as well as the Trails in the Sky trilogy arrive in the USA.

In 2011, Trails in the Sky appeared on PSP in America and was finally brought to Europe, then distributed by Ghostlight (Persona 3 Portable). The title is gaining popularity, notably acclaimed for its storyline (a constant for the license), but above all for its immersion capacity. In terms of gameplay, it is similar to Live A Live in its combat mechanics, taking place turn-based and requiring you to move your characters to hit the opponent. A winning combo therefore, which does not however motivate its distributor to provide a French translation of the titles. In the meantime, the next title is due to arrive in 2024, and everything suggests that its release date will be around that of the TGS, as usual with Falcom.



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