some medications make you more vulnerable

some medications make you more vulnerable
some medications make you more vulnerable

Summer has finally settled in France, accompanied by heat that can exceed 30 degrees in the shade. Global warming accentuates these heatwaves, highlighting danger the most vulnerable people. Taking drugs increases this phenomenon. It is therefore necessary to be extra vigilant during this summer period.

A high temperature, especially at night, prevents the body from properly regulating its temperature and increases the risk of dehydration. “The body’s inability to eliminate heat gain in such conditions increases the risk of exhaustion and heatstroke. The pressure placed on the body as it tries to cool itself also stresses the heart and kidneys. Therefore, extreme heat can worsen health risks from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, diabetes and mental disorders.”, indicates the World Health Organization in a press release published on May 24, 2024.

Taking medication, when it complies with medical prescriptions, is not a factor of dehydration even in the event of extreme heat. However, some of them can contribute to worsen complications when they arise.

According to the medical journal Vidal, during a heatwave, the doctor can consider adapting his patient’s treatment to avoid these aggravating effects. This adaptation is done on a case-by-case basis and no systematic rule can be proposed. It is important to note that only a doctor can decide whether to stop treatment.

Diuretics are medications designed to increase the elimination of water by the kidneys. They are prescribed most often to treat high blood pressure and certain heart conditions. This treatment causes a patient to pass much more water than normal, making them very vulnerable to dehydration during periods of heatwave.

Certain substances can also interact with regulatory mechanisms body temperature. Others, such as certain antidepressants or antiparkinsonians, can interfere with sweating and prevent you from sweating. And this mechanism is essential for the elimination of heat from the body.


During extreme heat, the body adapts by eliminating a higher amount of calories. To do this, it uses several mechanisms, the main ones of which are the transpiration and dilation of blood vessels in the skin. This is why when we are hot, we sweat and we are red. Sweat, when it evaporates, consumes heat and cools the surface of the body. The dilation of blood vessels in the skin increases temperature exchanges between blood, skin and the atmosphere. These reactions are controlled by regions of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature.

Dehydration and heatstroke

Dehydration is the biggest risk of high temperatures. It occurs when water loss from the body is greater than intake through drinks and food. It appears within a few days and results in a feeling of dry mouth, a reduction in the volume of urine which takes on a dark color, fatigue and headaches. If it is not treated, it causes behavioral problems which can be accompanied by loss of consciousness, which leads to death.

Heat stroke appears in less than six hours with very distinctive signs: redness of the skin, behavioral problems which can range from daze to aggression, staggering gait, fatigue, intense thirst, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps. Without support, it can cause a coma in less than 24 hours.



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