A microchip that has Superman’s power of vision!

A microchip that has Superman’s power of vision!
A microchip that has Superman’s power of vision!

A team of American and South Korean researchers has developed technology directly inspired by Superman’s x-ray vision. Integrated into a device mobilemobiletheir chip would be able to see through a complaint or even inside a package.

Researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas, US, and Seoul National University, South Korea, have developed an imaging chip capable of “scanning” the inside of a bag or of a package or to detect objects solidsolid on the other side of a wallwall. They are now focusing on its miniaturization, in order to one day be able to integrate it into a smartphone.

This chip locates very small objects

There is obviously no question here of using X-rays, like the American superhero, knowing that their exposure could be particularly harmful to health. This chip actually emits 300 GHz signals with which it can locate any solid object at short range, of the order of 2 to 3 centimeters.

The idea is to respect privacy and absolutely not to spy on your neighbors through the walls. A future version should be able to capture images up to 12.5 centimeters away and make it easier to detect small objects. This technology is in fact similar to that, using microwaves, used in porticosporticos passenger screening at airports.

Their challenge today is to make the technology small enough for mobile devices while improving image quality. This chip does not in any case include either lenslens nor optical, the reflected signals serving to “draw” an image of the objects thus identified. Ultimately, this technology could very well have appsapps medical.



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