In , picking this pretty flower exposes you to a record fine

In , picking this pretty flower exposes you to a record fine
In France, picking this pretty flower exposes you to a record fine

Autumn, in the mountains, offers a striking spectacle for nature lovers! But beware of the country flowers that you may come across during your hikes. Certain species are protected, and picking them exposes you to a hefty fine. So which flowers should only be touched with the eyes, and which ones can be picked under certain conditions? We take stock.

These wild flowers that should definitely not be picked!

In montagnecertain floral species, such as edelweiss or arnica, are under strict protection. Because while their wild beauty catches the eye, these plants are in reality vulnerable, rare and threatened. Thus, the picking of edelweiss is completely prohibited in many regions, particularly in Savoywhere its preservation is crucial to avoid its disappearance and preserve biodiversity. This emblematic plant of the Alps has long been picked to decorate mountain homes, and today, it is threatened with disappearing precisely because of this past popularity.

Arnica, used for its medicinal properties, is also highly coveted in the valleys. But there too, its collection is prohibitedunless you respect strict rulesnframing its use for commercial or scientific purposes. Uncontrolled harvesting of these species can seriously harm their regenerationendangering fragile ecosystems.

Mountain flowers that you can pick, but in limited quantities

If some mountain flowers are strictly protected, others can however be picked provided respect precise limits. Genepi, for example, can be harvested, but no more should be taken 120 strands per day and per person, under penalty of sanctions. This plant, famous for the liquor produced from it, has long been gathered in large quantities, which has led to a notable impoverishment de its populations in the wild. Today, crops have been developed to meet demand while protecting the wild resource.

Other species such as daffodils or poets’ daffodils can also be picked, but there too in moderate quantities : 20 stems per person and per day are permitted. Consider cutting these flowers with suitable toolslike pruning shears, and to leave enough plants on site to allow their natural reproduction.

Picking these mountain flowers: the colossal fine you risk

Ignoring these picking rules can cost you. The Environmental Code provides a fine of up to €750 for compulsive pickers who do not respect the prohibitions and limitations imposed. Last year, when control operations carried out by the authorities, significant seizures have also taken place in Savoie, reports L’Essor Savoyard: more the 8500 brins de génépi and 350 edelweiss were confiscated.

These actions and their restrictions aim above all to raise awareness among the general public of the importance of preserving these natural treasures. Agents from the National Forestry Office, the Vanoise National Park and the gendarmerie regularly patrol the most frequented sites, particularly during the high tourist season. They ensure that these rules are respected, but also inform visitors about good practices to adopt in the mountains.



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