This new Gmail feature will change your life

Google is rolling out a new feature for Gmail that will save you from digging through your emails every time you have a package to pick up or a ticket to show. These ” summary sheets » will gradually land on iOS and Android.

We know the stress when you have your ticket checked for a concert or when you can no longer find that damn email with the code to collect your package. We search in his mailbox filled (with spam) and the search does not always lead us directly to the right message. This is the problem that Gmail wants to resolve with summary sheets, Google announces in a blog post, indicating that this new feature will bring “ important changes ».

THE ” summary sheets » arrive on Gmail: why it should change your life

Summary sheets already existed, but were only displayed when opening a message. From now on, these cards will offer action buttons: adding to your calendar, inviting other people or adding a reminder (in Google Tasks only). Gmail can also prompt you to open a route if necessary.

An overview of the new summary cards in Gmail // Source: Google

These records are not systematic, but appear when Gmail detects that it is a receipt, an invoice, a travel confirmation or any other type of reservation. These mails are updated in the background: if a delivery arrives, the message in question will be raised with action buttons.

You can manage a restaurant reservation directly in Gmail // Source: GoogleYou can manage a restaurant reservation directly in Gmail // Source: Google
You can manage a restaurant reservation directly in Gmail // Source: Google

In addition to that, the summary sheets summarize the mails concerned display important details. For example, if you have a train or plane to catch, the map will show you the departure/arrival time, or the button to check in. These sheets will be displayed in the mailsthe Gmail search as well as in a new section which is also appearing.

One more section in Gmail: fortunately, it’s discreet

A change that goes hand in hand with the appearance of a new section in Gmail: “ Shortly “. Located just below the search bar, it shows messages that relate to nearby dates and times. Adding a section in Gmail is risky: it disrupts habits and adds an element that is not always necessary. But this is a little different: if there are no useful messages, the section will not be displayed. Especially since it is drop-down and can therefore be folded.

The new “Coming soon” section in Gmail // Source: GoogleThe new “Coming soon” section in Gmail // Source: Google
The new “Coming soon” section in Gmail // Source: Google

Initially, only the purchase summary sheets will appear. We will then be able to see at a glance the delivery date of the birthday gift that we must intercept. The other types of cards will arrive in the coming months. And for those who don’t want them, they can be deactivated.



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