‘I crossed the line’, Roy Keane apologises to Maguire for harsh criticism

‘I crossed the line’, Roy Keane apologises to Maguire for harsh criticism
‘I crossed the line’, Roy Keane apologises to Maguire for harsh criticism

Former Manchester United legend Roy Keane, now columnist for Sky Sports, Roy Keane, has privately apologized to Harry Maguire, the victim for many seasons of “harsh” and “personal” criticism.

The line has been crossed. Manchester United legend Roy Keane issued a public mea culpa on Friday in the podcast Overlap Special, for his overzealous criticism of Harry Maguire in recent seasons.

“I was hard on him… It’s true that he had a hard time at the club but I went over the limit, I made fun of him. And this is about the mental health of the players, I played at a high level and I know how hard it is. Sometimes, as an observer, you can also make mistakes and there I went over the limit”. Criticism of a “personal” nature, believes the consultant for Sky Sport, which pushed him to make amends to the English defender in private a few months ago: “I met him and I apologised to him…”

“Lack of professionalism”, “a disgrace for the club”

Constantly mocked in recent seasons, Harry Maguire has been the target of much criticism from the Irish consultant. In October 2021 in particular when the latter described the public apology of the English captain as a real “shame for the club” when he had just suffered a 5-0 defeat on the pitch of the great rival Liverpool.

More recently, last February, when Manchester United conceded a 2-1 loss at home against Fulham and despite a goal from the English defender, Roy Keane accused his “lack of professionalism” describing him as the weak link in the Mancunian hinge which “constantly worries his teammates, scared to death at the idea of ​​going up and leaving him alone behind.”

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