Julien Bonnaire, the fight of a champion for cerebral palsy

Julien Bonnaire, the fight of a champion for cerebral palsy
Julien Bonnaire, the fight of a champion for cerebral palsy

Posted by K. D. June 28, 2024

From the rugby field to the fields of solidarity, Julien Bonnaire, the former French international, imposes his champion’s stature for a cause that is close to his heart. Appointed patron of the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, the former third row highlights the difficulties encountered by people living with this disability.

In this awareness-raising mission, he is not alone: Andrea Casiraghi et Zita Hanrot complete this trio of godfathers giving voice to the most vulnerable.

“I didn’t hesitate for long”

It is in June 2024 that Julien Bonnaire was announced as the patron of this ambitious structure. His connection to the disease is intimate and deep: his own daughter, aged 8, suffers from cerebral palsy. His testimony is touching:

“When I was asked to become a sponsor, I didn’t hesitate for long.”

Julien Bonnaire

His words reflect the determination of a father and a loving man, ready to lift the veil on a reality that is sometimes marginalized.

A mission of improvement and awareness

Cerebral palsy is the leading cause of motor disability in children, with a new case every 6 hours in France. Faced with this major problem, the Cerebral Paralysis Foundation, created in 2005, is dedicated to financing research programs and support for families.

Alain ChatelinPresident of the Foundation, underlines the importance of visibility:

“Our main aim is to make this pathology much more widely known.”

Alain Chatelin

Active engagement on and off the field

Julien Bonnaire also demonstrated initiative with the creation of the association “Handi move and fun”, promoting sport adapted to children with disabilities.

If his rugby career has taken him from the heights of the oval to 75 national selections, it is today in the arena of solidarity and support for the most fragile that Julien Bonnaire demonstrates combativeness.

How to support the cause?

The involvement of a personality such as Julien Bonnaire crystallizes the hope of better consideration for people with cerebral palsy. By making a donation or collecting information via the platforms of the Cerebral Paralysis Foundation and the Handi Move & Fun association, everyone can contribute to the chain of solidarity activated by this former great of French rugby.

The fight against cerebral palsy is a long-term battle, but with sponsors of the caliber of Julien Bonnairethe team undoubtedly feels strengthened and ready to face each challenge with hope and determination.

Photo : Icon Sport



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