Poland (Euro 2024): Deschamps’ spicy counterattack on Griezmann

Poland (Euro 2024): Deschamps’ spicy counterattack on Griezmann
Poland (Euro 2024): Deschamps’ spicy counterattack on Griezmann

A non-paying strategy. At least, for the moment, because if the French team’s insight into the game has not improved, Antoine Griezmann’s forced rest will perhaps allow him to recover his strength. Appearing blunted in the eyes of the coach during his last outings, the Colchonero paid a high price by leaving the starting lineup against Poland.

Also, with the deficit in creativity and efficiency displayed during the first two matches of this Euro, Didier Deschamps wanted to shake up the lines. But without their number 7 during the first hour of play, the Blues were hardly more inspired.

Didier Deschamps justifies himself on Griezmann

At a press conference, Didier Deschamps returned to the non-tenure of his soldier. “It’s a choice compared to the option I took from the start, don’t go interpreting! »began the coach. “There are 8 or 9 players who had to play the full three matches. I make sure to have a team that is the most dangerous for the opponent. This evening, the goal was to oppose speed to the opposing big guys. He played the first two full matches, there he played 20 minutes. »

A start for Griezmann in eighth?

“You have a nonos to chew on, it might be Antoine, do what you want. I know what he can do. Think what you want, it’s not a problem, it’s a choice. Marcus blew too, it can happen to others. In eighth grade? We have time. He was better in the second game. I took the option of blowing it. How did he experience it? Professionally, with a smile », finished DD. Will Antoine Griezmann find his place in the eleven for the round of 16? Response Monday July 1, before 6 p.m.…

My favorite action? A one-two between the banks of the Garonne and the potreros of the Río de la Plata. Supporter of TéFéCé and member of Argentinos Juniors.



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