Juventus must rebuild with these two young players according to Simone Pepe | Juventus-fr.com

Juventus must rebuild with these two young players according to Simone Pepe | Juventus-fr.com
Juventus must rebuild with these two young players according to Simone Pepe | Juventus-fr.com

Former Juventus player, Simone Pepe has given his opinion on the arrival of Thiago Motta. He also named the two players who can help the club rebuild.

Former Juventino, Simone Pepe continues to closely follow his former club. Although he does not have a real opinion on Thiago Motta, he thinks that Juventus must trust Kenan Yildiz and Nicolo Fagioli to get off to a good start. He spoke on these subjects during the Padel Football moments conference. « I played three matches with Thiago Motta. I don’t know him well, but everyone speaks highly of him. The choice was important and I hope he can take Juve where they deserve to be. From the outside, we discover a world, then from the inside, everything changes. The assessments you make from the outside are based solely on the match, but there is a week in between, which only the club experiences. It’s too difficult to make an assessment. I think Yildiz is a strong player. In my opinion, Juve can rebuild on Fagioli, because he has different characteristics from the others. He is a player who has great qualities and is tactically intelligent. »



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