At the request of the Brazilian selection, Yan Couto will not dye his hair pink

At the request of the Brazilian selection, Yan Couto will not dye his hair pink
At the request of the Brazilian selection, Yan Couto will not dye his hair pink

Girona right-back Yan Couto (22), called up for the Copa America with Brazil, will have to change his appearance in the selection. Sporting a pink dye with his club, with which he comes out of a full season ending on the La Liga podium, he will present this time with his natural hair color. The consequence of an instruction, as Couto explained to the media UOL Esporte: “They said the pink was a little ‘wobbly’ like that. I don’t think so, but I’ll respect it, right? They asked me, I’m going to do it. »

Called up for the first time in October, he honored his first capes with his hair dyed pink, but kept a more classic color in March. I’ve been playing with pink hair all season he emphasized on June 4 at a press conference. In fact, it was my choice, it worked, it was cool. But it was more of a thing for Girona, a lot of people dyed their hair, it was a bit fashionable here. With the Seleçao, this cycle is over. I’m Yan with black hair, nothing changes, it’s always the same. I will try to make a Copa America to help the team. »

For its part, the Brazilian Federation (CBF), although it admitted to having conversations about the image of athletes around schedules, food or behavior during breaks, denies the existence of a veto and does not confirm the existence of discussions around hair colors.



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